christinesimone Member


  • MFP is a little off- I started in August, 2019 weighing 251 pounds. On July 1 I weighed in at 198. I’m finally at the place where I’ve lost more weight than I still have to lose......over the hump!
  • I understand you. I had just committed to spending $20/month on some online weight loss program that was supposed to help, but the next day cancelled it because I realized I had used this in the past and it worked. I would just be throwing money away when I have this for free!! I know you're feeling that the amount of…
  • I'm here! Back after a long absence! When I first joined, my girls were in their single digits of age.......Now they're both teenagers! I'm finding it harder to lose weight, but I think this is more due to my food choices in times of stress or hormonal heaven (i.e.. puberty AND menopause running concurrently!), so I'm here…
  • I am also an addict, and am a compulsive overeater-both share many of the same characteristics!! I recommend 2 books to read- 'Breaking Free from Compulsive Overeating' and anything else by Geneen Roth!! I agree that logging all my food really hits my addiction head on and prevents me from going numb with binging!! I…
  • That my 2-year olds chocolate mini-bunny has survived yet another day on the kitchen counter (where he has been forgotten by my daughter!)...............oh, and its been a week without binge eating after the kids are I bed!!
  • Two comments: I have taken to sautéing an entire bag of spinach leaves in one tsp. of sesame oil, adding 1/4 cup of roasted sunflower seeds and two Tbsp of grated Parmesan cheese- i could eat it every day!! Spaghetti squash is a member of the squash/gourd family. It is yellow and oval. You cut it in half, scoop out the…
  • 1) This morning was a rare morning when all the kids were dropped off and I had the elusive 3 hours to myself. Took myself out to breakfast- it feels so decadent to sit and read the paper by myself!! breakfast is my favorite meal, and e en though I gave myself permission to get anything, and NOT log it- I still got just…