Alidecker Member


  • Seems like when I first get stressed or depressed, I eat more, but the farther I fall into the feelings, I eat less and less.
  • Lots of good advice above, especially about the swim - open water vs pool. I have been a swimmer my whole life, when I did my first triathlon, it was open water. Luckily they had a practice swim the week before to at least let me practice it as I don't really have anywhere to train in open water. It was a huge help…
  • Thanks for all the input, especially the personal experience with shoulder pain. I do still exercise, I just can't exercise the way I had been prior to the shoulder pain started. I am impatient, I have PT again on Thursday I will talk to her a little more. I am happy with her, she understands that I want to get back to my…
  • I'm impatient and I know that, but at the same time if I am not progressing how I should, I need to do more. I like my PT, just itching to get back to working out how I used to. I miss it and getting bored.
  • I am deficient in B12, my body doesn't absorb it from food or from pills. My Doctor had me do injections, all good, but a pain to go to the doctor every month and I started slacking and my B12 went way low again. Now I take B12 in a sublingual form and it's all good. Doesn't do anything for metabolism and weigh loss that I…
  • You sound a lot like me. I grew up swimming on swim team and added it to my fitness routine, but only once a week or so. This summer I trained for a 1.2 mile open water swim, so I went from once a week to twice a week and more distance each time. I also do some boxing, so I don't think swimming in the morning and boxing in…
  • Due to the range of motion getting so much better and the fact that I am not in constant pain and it doesn't keep me from sleeping, she think I am doing good. She is against surgery unless it is a last resort.
  • Bench press and hip thrusters. I also like the punching bag.
  • I am trying to stay away from surgery, but I also hate not doing my full workout. I am thinking of going and having the doctor dig a little further than an x-ray, so at least I know the problem. @spiriteagle99 I am the same way, my range of motion got better quickly with PT, but now I feel like I have stalled.
  • I am having problems with setting a 2018 fitness goal, rehabbing a shoulder injury is causing that. I think I will just start with rehabbing my shoulder so I can get back to my normal workouts.
  • This is a great way to look at things. I can't write people off that easily, but I have also had a great deal of support from most of the people in my life. There were a few that would never comment or tell me to stop losing weight that I was too skinny. They got used to the new me though and all is good. I took it…
  • I have used a trainer for a long time. He asked me about my goals, I gave a very general answer and he made me talk more. I think the first session was a lot of talking. I was really trying to lose weight at the time. He helped me set goals on how to achieve that along with adding some fitness goals. After losing a…
  • Growing up we always had our cottage cheese with grape jelly mixed in. I haven't done that in a long time. I don't think I do too many weird combos, but some of these sound good.
  • You sound like me. I have my Anytime Fitness membership, which is only $20/month. I use that a lot, its very convenient, but right now they don't have any live classes, so I have a 9Rounds membership, which I use a lot. Not really a classes, since you can start your workout at anything. However there are other people in…
  • I had a full hip replacement almost 7 years ago, it was bone on bone. My doctor told me to keep exercising as it wouldn't make it worse since it was already bone on bone. I was back in the gym in 6 weeks. I was not a runner before, so the doctor and the physical therapist both told me that I should stay away from running.…
  • I will skip the rolls, but I will have one the day after with leftovers on it :)
  • I buy immediate family gifts only. My niece and nephew generally get and experience to do with me instead of a material gift. We have gone to sporting events, cooking classes, escape rooms and zip lining. My niece will also do 5K Runs with me. My brother and SIL usually get a group gift, I print out the pictures for the…
  • I don't get that, why is what you order a damper. I guess people aren't used to the healthier eating? Even before I started eating healthier, I ordered dressing on the side, restaurants tend to put more than I care for on them. Glad my friends were good with my changes, although I haven't been too good lately :(
  • It's my go-to drink. Currently my favorite is cherry vodka with lemonade crystal light, although it does get too sweet for me pretty quickly.
  • Scrambles eggs with veggies
  • I make fajitas this way all the time. It is great for easy clean up. Being single, and not good at cooking for one, this is one of my go too recipes. I actually eat it like a fajita one day, then with rice as a burrito bowl, sometimes just the protein and veggies.
  • Exercise has helped me, even more with anxiety. I used to bottle everything up and never tell anyone about my depression. Now I have a few close friends that I talk to and they help, along with therapy. I also take Lexapro, but have gone from a higher dose to a lower dose and hopefully off at some point. Talking with the…
  • I was in the gym working out one Sunday morning and two guys I know were working out at the same time. We had all lost a significant amount of weight. We started discussing what we used to do on a Sunday morning and all the delicious brunch food we would have been eating too much of. We wondered which one was really the…
  • I have seen these, not sure that there were any too close to home and wasn't willing to travel. I did get a 1.2 mile open water swim done this summer, so it is a possibility. I would need an upgrade on my bike to do 56 miles, I have a hybrid, which is totally doable at 13 miles, but I don't think I want to do 56 on it.
  • I agree, the goal on the first one I did was to finish. Everyone was very supportive throughout the race.
  • I did my first one because my personal trainer told me I needed to train for something. I have done 6 now, but I hate to run (and my doctor told me I shouldn't due to a hip replacement) so I have never done more than a sprint.
  • Swam 1.2 miles in an open water swim this summer, it scared me to swim that far in open water, but I survived.
  • I had hip surgery a few years ago and don't run much at all, so I walk most of the 5K. Everyone is very supportive no matter how fast you are.
  • I increased my swimming pretty quickly in July and August and I am now dealing with shoulder pain, basically just tendonitis, but I still blame the swimming and I have been swimming since I was a kid (with a big break in my mid 20s to late 30s
  • I have done sprint tris on a mountain bike also. I am not there expecting to win, just finish and try and get a little faster than the last time. This year I did my first longer open water swim this year - 1.2 miles. It wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be, but I was slow. I would do it again.