Lilyeana Member


  • If you're looking for a Drink to curb your appetite you've already lost the race.
    in green drink Comment by Lilyeana May 2016
  • It takes a lot of effort for women to see abs. That being said, I'm going the low carb route. I do Keto, 20 grams of carbs or less daily. Im in a similar boat as you...roughly 135 - prob around 23% body fat, the last 10lbs just don't want to come off...or I don't want to hit the gym that hard.
  • I have been doing the C25k for 4 weeks now, haven't made it past week 2. what i have been doing tho is skipping every other walk cycle - so the first run is run 90 secs - run the 2 mins walk cycle - run 90 secs. then i walk the 2 mins. run the 90 secs walk 2 mins and then run 90 - run the 2 min walk - run the 90 sec - then…