onecrazyhorse Member


  • I started Pole in November (with a month break in between over the December holidays) with no experience and I do classes once or twice a week. I'm relatively strong with good core strength and medium-weak upper body strength (I can't do a pull-up). I can now do more spins than my friends who started a couple of months…
  • There is a medical condition called hyperhydrosis but if you only sweat excessively when you work out i'd say there's probably nothing wrong. I sweat alot so i carry extra strong deo and a big towel to the gym. I also carry a change of gym clothes just incase. I always wipe down any machine i use but as long as im not…
  • You look amazing, Fantastic results. And i love your dress :)
  • Wow! You look really incredible! Well done, you must be so so proud.