

  • When I went to the site you suggested it gave me 1700 calories as a baseline. So would it be safe to say I could use this as my base caloric intake and when if i choose to input my exercises not worry about earting them back since they are basically equated with the website you suggested?
  • I LOVED the spin class I went to last night! I am going again on Thursday. I was so excited I was able to keep up and even after pushing through the hardest resistance. You are right my butt does hurt LOL!
  • I have the Shred It with Weights DVD. Is this completely different from the 30 day Shred? I know it is a different DVD but I did not want to go by another if it is basically the same just with weights. LOL
  • Going to my first spin class here in about 30 minutes. I am sure the pain will extend to the tips of my fingers but it's all a means to an end! (At least that's what I keep telling myself :tongue: )
  • Man, this topic is driving me nuts LOL. Just when I think i have it figured it I don't. To eat or not to eat, that is the question? I have been at a plateau for months and just started using MFP. I have always counted calories though. i am not sure now if I should eat them or not. Maybe middle of the road and eat half?…
  • So, I went ahead and did the mathematics and as I was calculating it really helped me to understand the big controversary over eating your exercise calories. I sit most of the day except for when I workout. My workouts can be scattered. I input the sedentary lifestyle just to be on the safe side. I am always sure to input…
  • Very motivational post! I have been at a plateau for 4 months now afer losing about 55 lbs! It's hard to believe but as I record my calories I see I may not be eating enough. You are right when it comes to constantly changing and finding what is right for you. My husband is on a strict worout routine for work. They are…
  • This happens to me on every machine no matter how I tight I tie my shoes. I have very wide feet with really high arches and finding the right fit is a pain! I just wiggle my toes a bit in my shoes and it eases the pain (or lack there of!)
  • OK, just kidding, I scoped the topic boards out and found out the info. Guess I better eat some calories. I think i found out the reason for my weightloss slump though! Good stuff!
  • I am a full-time student, pursuing a Bachelor's of Arts in Mass Communication and Journalism and my dear husband is in the USAF.:happy:
  • Quick question. I used sparpeople prior, kinda the same except when I input my exercise here it states I earned 607 "extra calories? This means I am supposed to eat more?? No way?!