

  • Bless you - you are doing really well and your motivation and will power is clearly still there even if its waining because you did choose to type rather than eat the cake ( i probably would have teh cake in one hand and type with the other!) so you are doing great and since you only have 10 days left focus on that. Repeat…
  • Thanks. some really good ideas - I especially like the nuts as a snack. I love almonds so may have some of those in teh afternooon to tide me over. A friend swears by egg white omellette so I may introduce that this morning and have teh protein shake later in the afternoon or maybe when i get in from work before i eat…
  • Thanks for the all the info. The reason I am trying to do the low carb is that its the one diet that I know works and restricting myself is the only way really. Giving me a free rein with carbs of any kind ( wholemeal/wholewheat included) is generally not a good thing. I am going to try and increase the exercise and cut…
  • Sadly I do the same. Not quite sure what it is or why, I do great for 4- 5 days and then day 6 I mess up a little bit and by weigh in day I completely loose the plot and eat the contents of the house. I have a wedding dress fitting in 3 weeks and have been having nightmares about it yet when I go on a binge i dont stop to…
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