

  • ...sometimes. All the women in my family, on both sides, are heavyset and short. Sure, part of it is genetic. But I have as my inspiration a picture of my mother when she was my age. She's beautiful, curvy, lean, with a huge dazzling smile. We Eastern European women might have a predisposition to be heavier, but that…
  • Geez...thanks a lot for the post. I was just thinking, as I was listing my food from today, that I seriously blew it! I had a really difficult day at work, and I'm getting sick (sadly, for me, I get super-hungry when I'm sick...everyone else I know can't eat a thing. Lucky me. :ohwell: ), so I didn't really pay attention…
  • Go to bed earlier! Just kidding...if that could help, I would be sleeping 18 hours a day! Honestly...your best bet might not be to quit eating at night, but to eat healthier. While it hasn't yet helped me to lose a ton of weight, I stopped buying loads of unhealthy snacks. Instead, I have plenty of popcorn on hand (not the…
  • As a child I hated vegetables passionately. Probably 'cause my mom would boil them to death and I'd turn my nose up at them (honestly, though, I love her...the woman is a great cook and does wonders with low-fat meals). Recently, though, I have fallen in love with a few kinds of veggies. I love sweet red peppers cut into…
  • Wow...there's an awful lot of kindness, prayer and support on this site. It's great! How nice to know that we're all in this together...we may have very different reasons for wanting to lose weight, but ultimately, it's for our health...and that's a gift for ourselves and the people who love us! I'm very new to this site,…
  • Well, this is my first serious go at a consistent weight loss program. I don't want to count calories for the rest of my life, but I do want to get to my goal weight and then be able to relax a bit from there. I've tried programs before; only thing that worked was the Curves exercise program for Women. I lost 15 pounds!…