Booschmoop Member


  • I've also done both. Weight Watchers is expensive and if you don't keep up with the membership and they change something it's hard to continue counting points. I prefer MFP. It's free and a calorie will always be a calorie and there is no secret way to calculate how many you should be eating. The forums here are a lot more…
  • I think you can would get to 1200 if you add some protein and more calorie dense veggies and fruits. Add a banana, some greek yogurt, nuts or nut spreads or beans. They are all higher in calories and a small amount of them to your meals will bump up the calorie counts enough to get you there.
  • I got an extra 30 minutes in today at the pool. I'm always at or under my calorie goal. As long as I eat at home I'm pretty safe. Eating out is my downfall but I'm getting better.
  • Thank goodness I got my walk in before the rain started. I also did good with my food today. I hope everyone else is having a good weekend.
  • The friend idea is fine by me. I'm a little shy when it comes to my food diary though :embarassed: Don't ask me why cause I really don't know.
  • I had a good workout at the pool. Trying to make a plan for tomorrow. I'm thinking I'll do some walking since the weather has been so nice and look for new soup recipes to try out this fall and winter. We had chicken and barley last night but I haven't decided what to have tonight yet. I hope everyone else is having a…
  • I'll be going to the gym in a few hours to work out for an hour in the pool. So far this has been working for me. Now that cold weather is moving in I plan on adding some different exercises and lifting weights. I seriously need some muscle. The pool is great for cardio and getting back some flexibility. I'm averaging…
  • I always bake the meatloaf covered and uncover it for the last 15 minutes or so to brown the top a bit. At this point you can put something on top to add some moisture and flavor. There are lots of options. I make a turkey and quinoa meatloaf that calls for spreading a mixture of brown sugar, Worcestershire and a little…
  • Thank you for sharing your story. You are an inspiration and I love your tips. Congratulations on your success!
  • I've made them in the slow cooker. Make a large batch and refrigerate. Warm up a portion in the microwave when you want to eat. I just add a little milk,Truvia and cinnamon when I want it sweet but sometimes I just add some margarine.
  • Our nutritionist told us we could estimate about 300 calories for an hour of water aerobics. I believe the heavier you are and the deeper the water the more calories you will burn. At least that is what I've been told.
  • Does your gym have a pool? We just started taking aqua aerobics classes and they are a good workout but fun and easier on the joints. I hate working out but I love this and it gives me a good workout.