jarcuri31 Member


  • You look fantastic keep up the amazing work! its so rewarding isnt it!
  • Im not sure if this will help any but, i found out in July 2010 that i was prediabetic. I saw a nutritionist, started exercising, weighed my food, kept a diary, ate every 3 hours, (except when i was sleeping) followed my nutritionists rules religiously, lost almost 40 pounds, now i have a healthy bmi and are no longer pre…
  • Wow amazing job! Keep up the good workk!!!
  • I drink at least one protein shake thats around 200 calories a day along with a protein bar yet again around 200 calories i do this in between meals because i try to eat every 3 hours. You dont necessarily have to have a protein shake, im just lazy. You could make for breakfast things like egg whites which are high in…
  • I think that you arent eating the right foods, i am currently down 40 pounds and i can honestly say gatorade is the worst thing you can do, its literally like drinking liquid fat. You should consider eating things with less carbs, and more protein, i eat a lot of power bars which have almost 300 to 400 calories and i feel…