

  • hamstrings are definatly one of the largest, walking/jogging/skipping ect can tone your hamstrings
  • same! i tend to get really worked up, make a plan and everything. but then i get distracted and dont do my run ect.
  • i felt the exact same way. i thought i was eating too much. so i slimmed down my main meals a bit too. so my usual meals turned into half size meals, and then i didnt feel as if i was eating so much. by doing this, then sticking to just 3 meals the week after, i found my appetite had decreased aswell which was a bonus!
  • are you trying the 3 hour rule? it worked for me to start off with. it helps boost the metabolism but over time youre body will get used to it. so try doing it for one week, then go back to 3meals a day, then go back to 6 meals a day ect. for the 3hour rule, you dont neccessarily have to have 6 meals. you may find it…
  • my brother had trouble putting on weight too. so ill give you tips i gave him, hes put on 5lbs since newyears. obviously, eating will help you put on weight but not in all cases. i made my brother join the gym with me. i told him not to use the cardio equipment, treadmill ect. but to use the strenth training. weights,…
  • walking and jogging can burn calories, and tone up your legs mainly. but no, you don't need to join a gym. but strength training is the a helpful way to lose belly fat as well as doing the cardio ab-cruches and sit-ups, also try laying flat on your back, with your arms by your sides and lifting both of your legs to a…