blink14 Member


  • I think most people are 2 different sizes. I wear pants a size smaller than my tops. Buying dresses can definitely be a total pain, but you need to try to fit the biggest part of your body and then things can always be altered.
  • I have a bad knee too, on top of some other structural/joint problems. I am able to do biking, but as far as low impact, have you tried pilates or yoga? there are a few moves, more so in yoga, that might put strain on your knees but you can avoid those and still get a really good workout.
  • Well, I've been on here for about two weeks, weight has stayed the same, but I'm losing inches! I lost a half an inch off my waist, and an entire inch off my right thigh (my left thigh has muscle atrophy, so I doubt I will lose much there)! It feels great to know that this is working and its more motivation to keep going.
    in progress! Comment by blink14 March 2008
  • I found this website when I was searching for the nutritional info of a restaurant ... it has over 300 restaurants listed.
  • I somehow only managed to go over my calorie limit by about 150, woohoo. everyone will get back on track, no more holidays for awhile!
  • hey all, just wanted to share a website I found with a breakdown of nutritional info for a variety of sushi:
  • I've had asthma my whole life as well, both exercise and heat induced. I've never been able to run long distance without wheezing or coughing, even with my asthma being treated correctly, so I know that for me, thats simply something I do not have the endurance to do. I try to do 15-30 on a stationary bike 4-5 times a week…
  • Well, I've made it through my first week on here, and its been great! No noticeable weight loss so far (though I am considering investing in a new scale, since the one I have is quite old), but I'm just really happy that I not only stuck to my calories and exercise goals, but I got in exercise every day this past week…
  • I also drink seltzer with fruit juice in it. I also used to drink alot of soda, so I've got myself down to 1 a day or every other day. I also try to only drink soda or calorie filled drinks when I go out to eat.
  • well, I'm new! haha, obviously, hence the forum topic. Anyways ... I've always been one of those girls that has an average/athletic body, which was fine when I was still playing sports. but now that I've graduated college, I haven't been as active, and I'm actually horrible at sticking to exercise, despite all of the…