easter is over



  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    C'mon guys. It was 1 day - unless you actually ate 3,500 calories EXTRA your not going to permanently gain weight from it. If you gained 5 lbs in 3 days then check how much sodium you had - I am quite sure it is water retention. Yes, I "blew" it. Not even logging the calories. It was a family day with family fun and great food. Enjoy it. In real life, on holidays and special days you will eat extra. If this is a lifestyle change and not just a "diet" you have to live. Because you are not going to skip holiday meals for the rest of your life. It's o.k. Yup - I gained 4 lbs over the weekend. Had lots and lots of sodium intake - way more than normal. Drinking lots of water today and peeing like crazy - I know 1 - 2 lbs of that will be gone tomorrow and the rest by the end of the week. Just pick up where you left off before the holiday/special days and you will be right back on track again. Really - are you going to beat yourself up after every holiday/special day for the rest of your life??? How miserable. As my friend used to say to me "Quit beating up my friend." :happy:

    That said - I am definately glad Easter is over!!! I feel like I have a hangover today and I didn't drink a drop of alcohol :laugh: Will be glad to get back to healthier food in my body and exercising again.
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    I'm glad that yesterday is in the past.

    Yesterday was the 1st day that I really ( NO, I mean really went way over my calories for the day) man, I felt it last night too! UGGG I felt like crap! LOL
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    Ok with all this honesty going on, I'll admit it, I blew it to. Too too much candy, and although it was so so yummy, I'm back on track today, haven't even looked at the Easter baskets so far!! And I also am one of the ones who purposefully did not count so much as 1 calorie...Ooops...
  • blink14
    blink14 Posts: 57 Member
    I somehow only managed to go over my calorie limit by about 150, woohoo. everyone will get back on track, no more holidays for awhile!
  • Annabel_Lee13
    I was ok on Easter, but I got my Girl Scout cookies yesterday (ordered before MFP). They are calling my name. I will have to dump them on some unsuspecting skinny friend. 2 cookies =140 calories and who eats only 2. I can eat a box once I get started:smile:
  • Life_is_Good
    Life_is_Good Posts: 361 Member
    Easter was our free day - we didn't log anything... :ohwell:
  • 612gemini
    612gemini Posts: 37
    I have to admit I did indulge a bit yesterday but honestly I think it was a good thing. Strange I know but I actually felt horrible after, my energy was zapped by my sugar intake and I felt sick to my stomach! For me it was an eye opener to how my body reacts to healthy foods.
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    I was an eating machine, thank God it's over!:happy: :sick:
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    I had a really good day yesterday, if anything I UNDERATE. I met up with some friends and drove to Multnommah Falls, which is about 20 miles east of the Portland, OR airport. It was horribly wet and cold but I've been in a funk for the past few days so it was refreshing. I had chicken and pasta for breakfast as I knew I'd need the carbs and protein. I hiked to the top, YEAH, and THAT was an accomplishment. If you have never done that, it's at least a 6% incline for one mile, with about 10 switchbacks. It doesn't sound like much, but it was painful. I wanted to quit at about .8 of the mile but went all the way. If you have done it, you deserve a medal. I passed a guy carrying two little ones in backpacks. Now HE deserves a medal. Anyway, I had a moderate lunch at Wendy's and several bottles of water, fish for dinner and a little piece of brownie with a small scoop of ice cream and a banana for our Easter day treat. Just like everyone said, today is a whole new day.
  • kingon8
    kingon8 Posts: 200 Member
    wonder which one of us went over the most?? I went 1700 over!!! I exercised last night but it only took about 300 cals off, so oh well, I am a sweets:devil: person, and I wouldve been miserable had I not indulged, as long as I didnt hit the 3500 more zone, i dont feel all that guilty:tongue:
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    I had a really good day yesterday, if anything I UNDERATE. I met up with some friends and drove to Multnommah Falls, which is about 20 miles east of the Portland, OR airport. It was horribly wet and cold but I've been in a funk for the past few days so it was refreshing. I had chicken and pasta for breakfast as I knew I'd need the carbs and protein. I hiked to the top, YEAH, and THAT was an accomplishment. If you have never done that, it's at least a 6% incline for one mile, with about 10 switchbacks. It doesn't sound like much, but it was painful. I wanted to quit at about .8 of the mile but went all the way. If you have done it, you deserve a medal. I passed a guy carrying two little ones in backpacks. Now HE deserves a medal. Anyway, I had a moderate lunch at Wendy's and several bottles of water, fish for dinner and a little piece of brownie with a small scoop of ice cream and a banana for our Easter day treat. Just like everyone said, today is a whole new day.

    Holy cow!!! I'm, impressed - I spent a summer in Portland and have been to Multnommah Falls. Looked - never even crossed my mind to hike!! Congrats - You probably should have eaten more :laugh: I would share some of my calories with you . . . LOL! Glad you got out and did something so cool!!
  • fitladyfawkes
    fitladyfawkes Posts: 138 Member
    So glad Im not alone in the "over eating at easter" problem. But i think maybe i ate more calories that you all combined!!!! Ha ha(at least thats what my stomach was saying last night). Its funny how I cant eat nearly as many sweets as i used to, they actually make me quite sick if i eat them in more than "bites".
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    C'mon guys. It was 1 day - unless you actually ate 3,500 calories EXTRA your not going to permanently gain weight from it. If you gained 5 lbs in 3 days then check how much sodium you had - I am quite sure it is water retention. Yes, I "blew" it. Not even logging the calories. It was a family day with family fun and great food. Enjoy it. In real life, on holidays and special days you will eat extra. If this is a lifestyle change and not just a "diet" you have to live. Because you are not going to skip holiday meals for the rest of your life. It's o.k. Yup - I gained 4 lbs over the weekend. Had lots and lots of sodium intake - way more than normal. Drinking lots of water today and peeing like crazy - I know 1 - 2 lbs of that will be gone tomorrow and the rest by the end of the week. Just pick up where you left off before the holiday/special days and you will be right back on track again. Really - are you going to beat yourself up after every holiday/special day for the rest of your life??? How miserable. As my friend used to say to me "Quit beating up my friend." :happy:

    That said - I am definately glad Easter is over!!! I feel like I have a hangover today and I didn't drink a drop of alcohol :laugh: Will be glad to get back to healthier food in my body and exercising again.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Whooops, I meant to say that the post above is spot-on. This is a lifestyle change! I don't plan on weighing myself every day for the rest of my life, nor do I plan on feeling deprived for the rest of my life. I LOVE feeling healthy, happy and strong, and I will do what I need to do to feel that way, which for me is eating healthy, whole foods and working out consistently.

    Let's Peep on Truckin'!!!! This is a lifestyle, not a diet!

    Confession time: I had the birthday/ Easter double whammy also, and indulged in not a few Peeps and peanut butter eggs. But even indulging was nowhere near what I used to do, and I am right back on the bike today kicking *kitten* and taking names.
  • moidyn
    moidyn Posts: 112
    I had my family in town and we did some serious celebrating. I'm talking California Pizza Kitchen, PF Changs and some GOOD thai food. Coupled with the obligatory desserts and you could say the weekend (which started on Wednesday) was ruined.
    And sad to say, I enjoyed every minute of it.
    Until I got on the scale. Ouch.
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    I had my family in town and we did some serious celebrating. I'm talking California Pizza Kitchen, PF Changs and some GOOD thai food. Coupled with the obligatory desserts and you could say the weekend (which started on Wednesday) was ruined.
    And sad to say, I enjoyed every minute of it.
    Until I got on the scale. Ouch.

    I guess I have a hard time with this mind set. Why is it sad to have enjoyed some very good food for a couple of days? As long as you end it after a couple of days and don't make a regular habit out of it, why is it so bad? Whatever weight you gained is likely mostly water and will disappear rather quickly. Also - the last in first out fat burning rule applies. So if some did get stored as excess fat, it will also burn off rather quickly and you will be back on track soon. So why beat yourself up so bad? ENJOY it while you do it and then get back on track and eat healthy and exercise and you will be no worse off. Again - lifestyle change. You will have times in life that you have company or holidays and over indulge. Enjoy it. Then go back to your regular healthy lifestyle and it will be gone. BTW, if this isn't a lifestyle change but is just another "diet" quit now - because you will do your body more damage losing weight, gaining it back, losing it, gaining it back than just staying where you are now. And if it is just another "diet" than you will gain it back. Just my $.02. Be nice to yourself. Enjoy treats when you have them and don't make a habit of it. (wish that were as easy as it sounds!! :laugh: )
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    I know I blew it this weekend too but I am back in full force. The thing that got me was the bowls of chocolate and jellybeans that were in full view the entire weekend. Gosh I don't even know where to begin in logging this. Oh well even so when I stepped on the scale I was still approx. Where I was when I left so nothing gained nothing lost I am happy.
  • Rbodily
    Rbodily Posts: 14 Member
    I did really good on easter i had some ham, potatoes, lots of green beans, and a roll. the next day i went to my sister and had 4 chocolate eggs, chips,and pizza.