

  • Welcome, I am new, too. I've been on here a week, and I love it. I wish you well. Best Wishes.
    in Hello Comment by kdmoser February 2011
  • You look great. Congratulations.
  • Hi, I'm Kim. I just got started last night, but I think I'm really going to like this site. I'm a teacher who has been snowed in for a week, so I have time right now to try and do something for myself for a change. Once, we get back to school though, I probably won't be on here very often.
  • I just wanted to congratulate you on your weight loss. I know that it is a difficult thing. I am only 5 foot 2. After my third child, I weighed 195 lbs. It took me over a year, but I finally got down to my desired weight (130). Of course, that was ten years ago, and now I'm back up to 160. Stick with it, and don't let…