

  • I really just hate to see anyone get hurt. As long as it's fun and no one is really mean, then ya, have fun. Like I said, I'm new and don't know many people here or their personalities. But yes, I am and would accept FR.
  • I'm new here but this whole thread feels like a game of Dodge ball where no one wants to be picked last. If someone is a private person, let them be. Otherwise, be supportive of all who are here to gain their life back by getting in shape and losing weight. :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Two things seem to be helping me. 1. I do all the shopping so I am buying low cal snacks and things I like instead of only buying for my guys and husband. 2. Read! I go to bed early with my husband and read since I stay up later. Reading takes my mind from snacking. Watching tv makes me want to eat but reading puts my mind…
  • July 4th SW:200 CW:191.6 GW:140
  • Fridays are fine for me. I randomly weigh myself. I haven't done it for 2 days and today I am almost 3 pounds lighter!
  • I'm in. I have about 70 pounds to lose. I am at 194 now but have been as high as 210 when I wasn't pregnant. I have hypothyroidism and take a few other medications that cause weight gain. But now I am not letting that hold me back from exercising and eating right. I'm setting small goals with rewards for myself. After the…
  • I am so new and I've not read through the entire thread but I will post why I am going to lose the weight and get in shape. I want to be healthy and not suffer from the diseases that run in my family. I want to stop the madness with hypothyroidism and not let it dictate or control how my body will look like and act like. I…