Always looking for more please feel free to add me. I can always use motivators :)
which FB groups..I haven't found a good one yet..that didn't try pushing products.
I can relate cause I to suffer from both and use food as my crutch. Some days are better than others but at least your seeking help, I know it will help as it has for me before. GOOD LUCK
I,m asking myself the same thing. I'm glad Im not alone, I have been having a bad week and this week isnt going so well either.
I agree, having this site has helped me. Though Im still new and not many friends or at least friends that use it I have been able to make that first step
Thank You Shannie,
Thank You!! I orginally wanted to lose 100 by my 40th but I wasted so much time that I just figured something was better than nothing. I know my eating needs work and going to the gym has its days. Im just trying to take it day by day and hopefully I will make it.
I live in Northeast Philly....Northeast airport area
Well because I'm single and want to feel sexy, buy nicer clothes and look good IN and OUT of them...:wink: and prove to those negative people I can do it.
If your on Pinterest they have alot of great WW recipes and healthier recipes. I have the same dilemma about making the same stuff.