

  • Hi, everyone! So, between my father and his wife coming to visit :embarassed: , DH getting home from Sturgis :bigsmile: , district trainings :grumble: , and job applications :noway: and follow ups life has been crazy this week. I'm feeling in serious withdrawal from keeping up with everyone, sorry! Maybe tomorrow I'll get…
  • Barb - thanks for the reminder to test against oneself, I mostly wanted to put it out there that I'd actually done one! Could've knocked me over with a feather & I never would've tried it without that extra nudge from Eileen along with hearing all of you who can do them discussing it. Wait a minute, I'm one of those now,…
  • Eileen - you were the final push I needed to try a plank, more specifically a forearm plank. All of 15 seconds, but a start as you said. Janie ~ Pacific NW
  • Okay, just for curiosity because everyone keeps talking about planks (and because I don't want to be working on my philosophy of education), I tried one. Looked at several you tube examples first, got very strange look from dog, but was actually able to get on forearms and toes in what I hope was proper form for all of…
  • HAPPY SATURDAY! I've had a short dog walk, tea, breakfast & ready to start another day. Have to edit my philosophy of education for several jobs that have posted in a district where I haven't applied before. I hate doing this - I over-think, rewrite, adjust, adapt, and finally just say that's enough. Need to be "au courant…
  • So, now that I've read Mark Lauren's Body by You (You Are Your Own Gym), I'm changing what I said I'm doing here. For 2 days I need to 'assess' my starting points for each of his 5 types of exercises: pulling, squatting, in-line pushing, perpendicular pushing, and bending. You use your own weight (very scary concept) and…
  • Joyce - not sure how I missed your post before - we must have crossed posting or something ;-b but I felt the urge to come back to the thread so here I am. It is hard to think in terms of wasting money, isn't it? Next time, remember that you and your health are worth so much more than some less than ideal fudge & toss it.…
  • Reading, reading, and more reading to catch up!Oh, my, I think this was at page 9 when last I read & now it’s up to page 15! • Katla – loved reading about you being roaring woman as you dealt with the dingy – just for you (later) glad DD’s dog is treatable. & I’ve been letting my blackberries go waiting for fruit – that’s…
  • Okay, I want to do this! I need to sort out a regimen to do & will figure that out today. To start, I will plan on the gym 3 days a week using their equipment to do 2 abdominal machines each day I exercise, then every other day do 2 machines to exercise upper body and lower body. I've been doing this intermittently…
  • A a a h h h! so nice being home. Drove in around 2 AM Thursday, way too many hours sitting and driving but got DH to Sturgis safely. We got there Tuesday night around 9:30 PM, crazy busy driving through in a big 4x4 pick up, what a mad house! He, DN & a friend of DN will be there and sightseeing/biking around SD until…
  • Happy Monday all, just dropping in to touch base. I did do 4 miles with Leslie Sansone last night but only 26 minutes of it were recorded as vigorous exercise by my bodymedia armband. I think I was probably holding back a little worrying about finishing the 4 miles ;-b Still, I really like ending the day sweating instead…
  • Okay, dropped back in to add something and I see it's GAIL'S BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ~ Janie, Pacific NW :laugh: coulld this be you birthday exercise dancing? :laugh:
  • I’m going to the library to get a book, “You Are Your Own Gym guide to total fitness for women.”Hoping to find strength/weight ideas there to start jodios challenge. DH should be home sometime tomorrow, probably late. DN helped get his Harley (it’s a Sportster so not huge, thank goodness) into the back of the truck. We…
  • Yippee – 3 miles of Leslie Sansone walking dvd & 29 minutes was vigorous according to my bodymedia armband (sweaty me concurs). Now if I would just do 3 – 5 miles every day I could knock out a couple of my August goals. WOW, this got long but I think I caught everyone:bigsmile: • Robin – you do know every time I get on the…
  • HAPPY FRIDAY! I know I’m feeling a little sluggish today; waiting for a DN to call so I can drop some things off with him. Need to get exercising, feeling antsy so have done a dog walk for now. • Jen – you’ve posted so you’re part of the group. As for your ‘self-confession’ – I think we’ve all done our own versions of…
  • Happy Thursday evening from the cloudy Pacific Northwest. I’ve caught up with the posts now, happily. It both reassures and inspires me when I see what a community this is. Thank you all. BTW, has anyone tried dreamfields pasta? It’s supposedly a lower carb/glycemic load option & I’m beginning to really crave some…
  • Hello all & happy August! I will come back and read all the posts later; right now I want to get my August goals written down and activate that feeling of commitment and accountability: August Goals Log every day Find healthier food options to work into daily meals Exercise every day By end of August, do 30 minutes of…
  • bumping for tomorrow, hello and happy Wednesday to everyone! Janie, Pacific NW
  • You will get the exercise in before he comes home! Tell yourself to just start by walking around your home, maybe cleaning up. If you're like me getting kick-started is the whole problem. Just start moving! I am right there with you, same thing with getting up too late today. Waiting for an email from DH to let me know…
  • Hello, all. Figured I’d better get caught up before the next iteration of this message board gets started. Tried vegetarian soy chorizo scrambled with eggs this morning & was pleasantly surprised since I’ve always been leery of soy. So much healthier but it still satisfied my Mexican food craving. I’ll have to look for…
  • So glad you're feeling better, be careful! Especially while you're changing your medication. Be well, sending positive thoughts!
  • Quick note 'cause I'm feeling pretty good right now. Did 4 miles & the arm workout with a Leslie Sansone DVD & of the 55 minutes, 20 were vigorous exercise according to my bodymedia armband. Yippee! I've been trying to figure out that point and have gotten maybe 4 - 5 minutes in my gym & other exercise DVD time before…
  • That is so wonderful, I'm sure it's been highly stressful. Now you both can breathe - so happy for you both, hugs Janie - Pacific NW
  • Morning all & happy Wednesday! Got up early to walk the garbage can down to the street & do first round of dog walking ;-) Heather – oh, my, how utterly and perfectly encouraging that you cut SO much time off of your jalk (love that term!) I cannot yet even imagine jalking, need to drop some more weight before I try doing…
  • Thrilled that you are on the road to recovery! If you've been reading much here on MFP, then you will have read that there are a couple of important pieces. Log everything, absolutely every single bite! If you don't have a food scale, consider getting one. It's very surprising how "off" our understanding of a single…
  • I love going to the gym at night! Nice, quiet, not many people, but enough to keep me putting in my time. jb – thanks for sharing the poem. Meg – don’t let the half pound bother you; hold onto how much better you felt today! You'll drop it in no time. Michele – glad the vacuum came back to life. Hope Vince is okay. Maybe…
  • Happy Tuesday! Yes, the second graders also asked why I always said Happy <insert day> & I told them I was always happy to see them and missed them when I didn't. Same here, always happy to read about this wonderful group of uplifting people. No news, just another temperate day in the Northwest. Sandy (?) Kalley – what a…
  • Naturebeckles - do not let the sarcasm get to you or drive you away! BUT do recognize that with all the people here, there are many in similar situations to yours. Check the message boards, groups, & blogs. You will see postings like mini challenges, others wanting to lose x lbs., certain ages, etc. You will find a place…
  • Hello from small town, Pacific Northwest, where it is cloudy/foggy and cool! I stayed up too late last night, slept in, and now am sipping my tea and catching up electronically! I’ve totally changed from a wee-hours early bird to a slackard ;-) Little more reading, then out for yardwork. Jodios – good for your tough DD,…
  • Happy Sunday evening to all! I’ve been to the library, to the store, done some work outside & it’s about time for dog walk and then dinner. Nice lazy day & I have a good book to settle in and read. Laura – this group will inspire you, no doubt. Sounds like you have a good plan to follow. Drop in often, it’s a very friendly…