OG43 Member


  • LOL
    in weirddddd? Comment by OG43 March 2014
  • Wow, thank you so much. This just made my night. I know I've worked hard, but it still IS hard some times. Thank you though.
    in Feeling Lost Comment by OG43 March 2014
  • I agree, I think everyone has had setbacks. Motivation is key and is what keeps you going into forming a habit. Ive had trouble lately. too, and although i reached my goal weight, i am still not satisfied and for some reason cannot seem to break the weight I am at now and am feeling the same way. But then again, I cannot…
  • I honestly don't know where I am now, there's no scale at my house. Im hoping to lose 20 pounds by December or my birthday in January. But king term, I want to drop 50 by who knows when. I do ear healthier now.. It used to be terrible. Haven't had fast food in almost a month, I'm not eating any sweets this month, I only…