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That sucks lama! I believe I snapped ups right shoulder in the gym. I tried to push through it and It got to the point of weakness in all of my push exercises. I took a week off and just worked on flexibility movements and stretches. It still acts up from time to time but not as bad. I always stretch before ANY movement…
Are you exact with what you log? As in you measure very single piece of food on a scale? Do you count your macros?
When you get doms try a light work out. It will relax your muscles. Other than that doms is considered the hangover of working out. Nothing heals it but time.
It's not, it's made from unicorn tears.
You are not going to add 10 lbs of pure muscle in four months unless you jump on the juice. Eat more and add creatine to your stack. Dont waste your money on test boosters.
Please don't listen to OZ for sustainable weight loss advice.
I heard from a local body builder that if you don't consume carbohydrates, fats, or protein you will lose a TON of weight!! I believe it is called alcoholism... LOL
Before anything else you are going to have to take about 6 months to a year to fix your metabolism (if you have been only eating about 500 cals for so long) You will not lose ANY sustainable weight with a jacked up metabolism. Starting eating more, even if it makes you sick. Your body is not used to eating food so it will…
Compound movements. Squat, dead lifts, bench, bent over rows, military press. Those will get you started. Don't lift heavey at first. Work on your form then go up.
You aren't eating nearly enough for the amount of cardio you are doing. Eat more or slow down on the cardio. You metabolism is probably out of wack.
You should try intermittent fasting. You get to eat way larger portions as well as not eat when your not hungry.
You are what they call 'skinny fat' you need to lift weights
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Your metabolism has probably slowed.
Yep, protein powders only help you reach your macro requirement. There is nothing you can take over the counter that will make you loss weight.. Its all about what you eat and how much you burrrrnnnn.
What ever you do DONT give up
Unless you have a thyroid problem you are eating too many calories.
Yep, I love the overweight fitness gurus. they make me lol ^^^
Throw them suckers away! Keep one "overweight" out fit as a constant reminder of how far you have come and one "goal weight" out fit for where you want to be. I went from a size 42 pant (very tight on me) to a size 34. I kept the descending pants hanging on my wall and tried them on once I reached the right weight. It felt…
Do not be disappointed and give up if you do not make your goal weight in 3 months. Any weight lost and keep off (in a healthy manner) is a success.
congrats, You have taken the most important step in better your life. That is realizing that there is a problem. Now you can fix it! Believe in your self and you can achieve your weight loss goals and get that new tattoo!
Sounds good :)
So when do we start? :)
Hey Tugba << cool name! Great job on the weight loss so far. I remember I gained A LOT of weight my freshman year of college as well. I was definitely not happy lol. Well you can do this! Take it day by day and you will make it!