kritinc Member


  • Read "Master Your Metabolism", Jillian Michaels. She is very clear about why late night eating hinders not only your sleep, but your hormones that would otherwise be helping you burn calories.
  • Same thing was happening to me. Then, I read some of Jillian Michael's books... With her advice, I went to BMR calculator, put in all of my info, and it gave me a specific # of calories to eat. Make sure you figure out your BMR, not just your BMI. I 've been trying NOT to rely on my calories earned from exercise. I just…
  • Thank you...that is so true. When we don't meet our goals "on time", we just throw in the towel. This is supposed to be a journey to change our habits, not a race. Ineeded that reminder. :-):flowerforyou: P.S. This photo is from '89...