mike37130 Member


  • I eat a fiber one bar or a 100cal low fat fudge bar from kroger
  • I like to skip breakfast because it saves the calories for later in the day when I am most likely to get hungry. I typically eat 600 calories for lunch and around 600 for dinner. My goal calorie intake is 2000 right now so I have plenty left over for a snack here and there. It has been working for me. I eat a fiber one bar…
  • I was worried at first because I was only hitting half my goal for carbs and calorie intake. But I was hitting my goal for protein and fat intake. I never went over on protein and fat. I am feeling excellent and full of energy. Most of the carbs I was getting was from veggies, fruit as well as some from the whole wheat…
  • Here is my day 2 total. Totals Calories =1,920 Carbs=155 Fat=88 Protein=104 Sodium=2,635 Sugar=57 The daily goal the app set for me Calories =2,710 Carbs=373 Fat=90 Protein=102 Sodium=2,500 Sugar=54 I don't want my body going into starvation mode but I feel good and well fed. I don't want to force my self to eat because…
  • Just discovered the search button lol. Sorry to waist your time. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/501409-low-sodium-lunch-meat
  • Lettuce is my best friend to help curve the munchies. It only has 5 calories per 1 cup shredded. In fact most reading I have dun shows that it takes more calories to burn it then it gives. Not only that but it helps clean you out. I basically stuff my self with it and it keeps the hunger at bay. It is also packed with…
  • I think there may be a misunderstanding here. I am a big guy and I am obese. BUT I am also built big. Long ago when I went to see my doctor I was told by him that a safe body weight for me is 230 to 240. I am active at work. I walk up to 6 hours a day 5 days a week at work but not fast enough to call it exercise. I am not…
  • Ok what is BMR, TDEE and MFP
  • Thanks everyone for all your help. I am glad I joined this site. :)
  • I think you are right. It is not just the amount of food I was eating but the quality of the food I was eating as well. I'm looking at all the stuff I like to eat and I am shocked at how bad it is for me. Looks like I am going to be cleaning the fridge out tonight...
  • I would say I am more conscious of what I am eating. I have cut out all sugar drinks like coke and sweet tea. I was going to eat a small pot pie for lunch until I checked the calorie count and found it had 1500 calories. So ya I think your right. I am eating the same amount but watching what I am eating at the same time.