Screen name: mrsbojangles Goal for February 28th: 372 February 1st (starting weight): 382 Looking forward to doing this with you all!!!
Saturday, September 4th Mia - 3 Lana - 3 Jill - 4 Amie - 2 Callie - 3 Jackie - 1 CHOCOLICKKYSS - 4 Dounia- 3 Lyssa-3 Anna - 4 Saunya - 2 Laurie - 1 Nancy - 3 please keep my name on the bottom of the list. Thank you Sorry I've been out of commission for a bit, but I am back now ready to exercise!
It def was not Stephanie that changed the paternity test. She was going to, but found out it had already changed before she got to it. They are making it look like it was Carly....I don't know...??? But yeah, it's Philip's baby. Oh great - another Corky. LOL Corky? Who the hell was Corky? I don't ever remember Philip…
Is there one for August? I hope so!
Tattoodfreek- to lose 8 pounds and Hit goal weight!!! Tiarapants - to lose 7 pounds (starting 173 pounds as of August 1st) Cnbethea - to lose 8 pounds Yentess - to lose 9 pounds ridelikeagirl616 - to lose 5 pounds EboniA - to lose 4 pounds WendyTobin (on vacation) GiGi76 - to lose 5lbs maybe 8 if im lucky (starting weight…
Yes, Chad was Grace's dad. Now he is Stefano's son, it seems. Yay! I just heard that Jennifer Horton is coming back for good in September. I really like her! FINALLY an end to that stupid Hope's alter ego killer self!!! LOL
Jennifer was there, but not Jack. It was great to see Jennifer again. I also loved seeing Carrie. And Mike. But where was my beloved Marlena? The show is NOT the same without her! :sad: They are trying to groom Maggie for the wisdom-filled matriarch role and it is NOT cutting it!
Sunday, July 18 Jill - 17 Nancy - 1 Callie - 12 Anna - 18 Heidi - 2 Robin - 11
Sunday July 18 Nia - 13 Mia- 16 mj - 11 Elyse - 14 Anna - 16 Robin - 7 Jill - 15 Lana - 5 Callie - 13 Katie - 9 Andie - 8 Shua - 3 Heidi - 1 Erica - 13 Keith- 18 Nicole -4 Rebecka - 4 Breannah - 3 Nancy - 13 please keep me on the bottom of the list. With my Iphone I can't go to the top of the list. So this way I can up…
I'd like to join, if that is OK. I have lost four pounds so far this month and I am shooting for 6 more. I know, big goal! But I am going to try my best! Thanks!
If I have to see ONE MORE CONVERSATION between Chloe and Carly over Chloe's one night stand I am gonna scream!!!!!!!
Thursday, July 15th Jill - 14 Nancy - 1 Callie - 10 Anna - 15 Heidi - 2 Robin - 11
Thursday July 15, 2010 ndfcdf did you run your 5k on july 3rd? Nia - 12 Mia- 14 mj - 7 Elyse - 10 Anna - 13 Robin - 7 Jill - 13 Lana - 4 Callie - 10 Katie - 7 Andie - 1 Shua - 3 Heidi - 1 Erica - 10 Keith- 15 Nicole -4 Rebecka - 4 Breannah - 3 Nancy - 10 please keep me on the bottom of the list. With my Iphone I can't go…
english muffin
The in-show ads are terrible. I remember the first one, it was for Appeteasers. Max made some for Chelsea in the bar and he could not keep a straight face when trying to sell it! Then Chelsea said "Maybe later" and didn't eat any of them! Product pulled! Failed! LOL
I think Sean and Belle went sailing into the sunset on the Fancy Face II, but not sure...? They never mention Eric!
I guess that family tree has just one branch! ROFL
Saturday, July 10th Jill - 8 Nancy - 1 Callie - 8 Anna - 10 Heidi - 2 Robin - 2
Saturday, July 10 Nia - 8 Mia- 9 mj - 4 Elyse - 5 Anna - 8 Robin - 2 Jill - 8 Lana - 1 Callie - 9 Katie - 5 Andie - 1 Shua - 3 Heidi - 1 Erica - 8 Keith- 10 Nicole -4 Rebecka - 4 Breannah - 1 Nancy - 5 please keep me on the bottom of the list. With my Iphone I can't go to the top of the list. So this way I can up date my…
Do you think that tall dude who is extremely self-conscious about being three feet taller than anyone else on DOOL is Stefano's kid? I can't remember his name - got Mia preggo.
my cousin :wink: (too many parking tickets)
Thursday, July 8 Nia - 7 Mia- 7 mj - 3 Elyse - 5 Anna - 7 Robin - 2 Jill - 7 Lana - 1 Callie - 6 Katie - 6 Andie - 1 Shua - 3 Heidi - 1 Erica - 7 Keith- 8 Nicole -4 Rebecka - 4 Nancy - 4 please keep me on the bottom of the list. With my Iphone I can't go to the top of the list. So this way I can up date my workout. Thank…
Thursday, July 8 Jill - 8 Nancy - 1 Callie - 6 Anna - 8 Heidi - 2 Robin - 2
Monday July 5 Nia - 4 Mia- 5 mj - 2 Elyse - 4 Anna - 4 Robin - 2 Jill - 4 Lana - 1 Callie - 4 Katie - 2 Andie - 1 Shua - 2 Heidi - 1 Erica - 3 Keith- 5 Nicole -4 Nancy - 2 please keep me on the bottom of the list. With my Iphone I can't go to the top of the list. So this way I can up date my workout. Thank you.
Monday, July 5 Jill - 4 Nancy - 1 Callie - 3 Anna - 5 Heidi - 2 Robin - 2
So are they trying to hook up EJ and Arianna? I am glad Kim and Shayn got back together. I really liked that power couple back in the day!
Sat July 3rd Nia - 3 Mia- 2 mj - 2 Elyse - 2 Anna - 3 Robin - 2 Jill - 1 Lana - 1 Callie - 2 Katie - 2 Andie - 1 Shua - 2 Erica - 3 Nancy -1 please keep me on the bottom of the list. With my Iphone I can't go to the top of the list. So this way I can up date my workout.