

  • Hi Tanya, You are describing how I was feeling 3 yrs ago. I too wanted more energy to play with my daughters. You can do it. I'm looking for new friends. I'm sending you a friend request.
  • Hi Ilene, I'm Joanne, I lost 30 pounds 4 yrs ago. I was really motivated for a while and used to exercise everyday. I kind of fell off the wagon too and gradually regained 10 pounds. My goal is to exercise 5x/week and eat healthier. I know the weight will stabilize itself. New friends would surely help with motivation.
  • Did you try cottage cheese? I eat it for breakfast with a chopped fruit (usually an apple or a pear) and it's good. It gives you 17 gram of protein. You have to try different brand because some can be gooey. I like the Dairyland 1%.