

  • My mom has horrible water but I can drink if it is really cold- really, really cold. Somehow drinking near freezing water helps the taste for me. If you can swing buying one of those water filter jugs- that might help depending on what is exactly wrong with your water. I know money is tight but if it doesn't help the…
  • Absolutely but the name of that game is portion control, portion control, portion control. I have lost 50 lbs. without working out at all! I couldn't work out because I have nerve damage from undiagnosed celiac disease (the doctors thought I had MS just to give you an idea of how bad off I was). Anyway, I knew I couldn't…
  • You'll do just fine here. You can do this!:wink:
  • Maybe you are allergic to latex. I have to make sure anything like that doesn't have latex in it before it touches my skin or I will have the same sort of reaction you described. It was especially a red flag when you said that you don't have this reaction with your other band. You can call the company to see if it has…
  • How about tacos with a lot more lettuce than beef and lite or no fat cheese if you have it? Do you have any soft tortillas on hand? If so, you can cook them in the oven for about an hour over taco forms to make a lower fat version of store bought shells. You can make taco forms out of an disposable aluminum pan. (Let me…