MichaelFunaro Member


  • Try to remember that this lifestyle isn't just about weight loss, but being healthy. Your body needs so many nutrients and calories a day to function properly. If you don't eat enough, then you run the risk of being malnourished, your body burning muscle, lots of things that can be as bad for your overall health as eating…
  • I have tried both flavors (as samples) and didn't care for either. I think they are WAY overpriced. I can find much cheaper and better tasting. Just my opinion. Sure others love them. Still think they are too expensive.
  • I have to agree with others. For me it was the opposite, I didn't like myself so I didn't want to let anyone love me because I didn't love myself. But that's changing now and as I move forward. No more of that thinking about myself. Now, take me or leave me as I am. But I'm liking myself more and more. . Unfortunately, it…
  • The first time I joined the gym back in 2005-06, I felt the exact same way. But you know what, no one cares because they are in their own little worlds. They have their headphones on and don't even notice you. Don't sweat it at all, in fact at first it might seem strange, but after a few visits you will feel like just…
  • i have found from past experience when I have lost large amounts of weight I became complacent. Then I slowly slipped back into old habits and before I knew it I had gained back the weight. My word of advice is work harder now. Sometimes people stop doing what worked when they either got to maintenance or to a weight they…
  • As someone who has lost and gained back and also knowing other who did the same. I think a lot of people think the work is over once they have lost the weight. The truth is that maintaining your weight is actually more difficult than losing it. So many people let their guard down once they have lost and go back to old…
  • fantastic job, you look great.
  • I paid $5.49 for a pint of Artic Zero and found out it had been thawed and re-frozen. You know how it gets all crystalized. I had to throw half of it away. Grrrrrr.
  • i always look to my diet first. Do you know if you have any gluten intolerance? I have heard that if you avoid certain food groups as a narcoleptic that might help. It's really all about you, what works for you might not for someone else and visa versa. But I would definitely look at your diet first and see if there is…
  • Sounds to me like you are well on your way to that goal. Good job with the exercise. I have lost over 100lbs in exactly one year. So this time next year that could be you too. And it does go by quickly.
  • I just posted my blog today about my 1 year anniversary. Read it and then tell me you can't. If I can and am, you can. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/dantanna85/view/what-a-difference-a-year-makes-424427#comments
  • I have had them occasionally, lately a bit more. About six years ago I had them really bad, so bad I almost drove myself to the ER. But since I've lost weight and don't eat as much they seem to be so much better. But my sister recently had a really bad bout with them. She went to the cardiologist and they fitted her with a…
  • I considered it, but only briefly. It still requires big changes on your part and if I'm going to make that changes, I'd rather do it without having surgery. So far I've lost a total of 125lbs without surgery. Is it easy? No, but it's worth it and I do know people that have had both Gastric bypass and the lapband. Two of…
  • A serious staff infection that was fed by my bad eating lifestyle. That was my Shawshank redemption moment, "Time to get busy living or busy dying." I chose the former and not the latter.
  • Annie Chun's Seaweek snacks.
  • You should have made that left turn at Albuquerque!
  • I delete friends who 1) Haven't logged in for at least 14 days (without good reason) and 2) Never post to anyone's profile or status pages. That's why we get friends, for mutual support. Oh, and also if they aren't cool. But that one is subjective.
  • I'm going to have the biggest cheesecake I can find. Just kidding..... I'm going to Disneyland, what else. :) No seriously, I am...
  • Hi Josh. the first step is always the hardest and you made that by coming to MFP. It's a great community and we are here to help. I have weighed a lot and lost a lot, but I have a ways to go too. Add me as a friend and I will be in your corner helping you every step of the way. I won't say it will be easy, but deciding to…
  • It really depends. Everyone is different. Keeping plenty of liquids in you, using moisturizers, weight training, not losing too fast, will all help battle the loose skin. But in the end it really depends on the person. Hopefully you will do well with it.
  • This is the right place to be. I visit the forum posts where people post their success stories. I like to see how many people have done what I am trying to do. Plus you need to log your food, good or bad. I would also suggest opening your diary so others can make any suggestions to help you along your way. And be sure to…
  • Bugs Bunny is the King of Cartoons. My next favorite is Scooby Doo. But I have a real soft spot for the yearly trio of Peanuts cartoons, "Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown," "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving," and the best of the three, "A Charlie Brown Christmas."
  • Used to be 1) Feel good about myself in my own skin, 2) Find love again. Now it's 1) Be healthy, 2) Feel good about myself in my own skin (ie naked), 3) Find Love again and enjoy it, 4) Maybe play some sports again.
  • I have lost 95lbs here on MFP. First you have to get it straight in your head. If you want it bad enough, that is the first step. If you are riding the fence or saying you will cheat on weekends it won't work. It's ok to have a bad day once in a while or reward yourself, but just remember that when you do that, it's just…
  • There is also a Almond milk that has extra protein in it, that's the one I usually look for. Unsweetened and with extra protein. I also get the unsweetened coconut milk. I usually find mine on the shelf, but I will look and see if they have it in the fridge section too.
  • I use the Magic Bullet too, great device.
  • Amazing job man. you give the rest of us guys hope that we can strive for the results you have attained. All I can say is WOW!
  • You are going to have a RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) that is what you would burn if you laid in bed all day and did nothing. You will then have a burn of calories just doing daily activities. Walking to the car, brushing your teeth, etc. Then you will have a burn of calories based on your exercise. Add up those three and…
  • Up your Protein intake, cut the carbs a bit. Closer you can get to a 50/50 split on those two the better. Also, try increasing bulk of food without calories. I like to mix veggies into dishes (like pasta) to increase the size of portion and not so much the calories. I'm a big advocate of not drinking your calories, but I…
  • A lot of people like the juicing fasts. There is even a movie based on it and this website for juicing : http://www.jointhereboot.com/index.php?lang=en I have a juicer and should do it more. But a lot of people like to do the juicing detoxing.