MichaelFunaro Member


  • I have the Nutribullet and it works fine. It doesn't really juice, it's a extractor. Blends the pulp and juice together. Mine works fine. I have owned the Jack LaLane juice in the past and it does what it is supposed to. But the difference is that the juicer you just get juice, no pulp with it. Depends on what you want. I…
  • the watch version of HRM usually are not as accurate as the chest straps. though the latter are much more difficult to get used to. If you really want a good HRM, I would likely get the kind that has a chest strap. I still haven't seen a really good review for any of the watch band types.
  • Diets really don't work, needs to be a lifestyle change. I wouldn't worry about Protein. I never go by what MFP had set up for me. I just try to keep my protein close to the carbs. As for exercise, I would probably only log if you go for a walk or some other exercise, but not the calories through the day. Then it's up to…
  • Sometimes certain foods trigger that affect in me, so I try to steer clear of them. Sugar has that affect on me. All I can tell you is not to beat yourself up over it. What happened is done and now you move on. You learn and try to avoid it in the future. I think we all do that from time to time, but if you can identify…
  • Have you tried PB2, it's a powdered peanut butter. It has 45 cals for 2 tablespoons. Basically they removed the oil from it. You mix water (i used coconut milk) to make it back to peanut butter, then some jelly and you have a PB & J sandwich for a fraction of the normal PB & J and tastes amazing. Try it.
  • Don't know if anyone suggested this, but if you are using dumbells or freeweights, try using Fat Gripz, they are designed to strengthen the hand and forearm during your workout. It's on Amazon, check it out.
  • You can absolutely build muscle using resistance bands. You won't be a body builder, but for tone and a little more muscle they are fine. I don't use it, but I believe in P90 you can use either bands or weights, so obviously they must believe the same thing.
  • Without seeing the equipment I would agree with others. Do 8-12 reps for each set, maybe 2 sets then 3. Once you can do three sets of 12 reps then bump up the weight, go back to 8 reps of 2 sets and work up again. I typically work just bicep, triceps last since they are a smaller muscle group and if you do them first they…
  • I wrote a blog about this subject last week. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/dantanna85 If you battle yourself, it's going to cause you problems. I know, cause I have done it too. It's all about getting it right in your head. Wish it was something I had a concrete answer for, but we all have to find what it is in our…
  • Part of the problem is that you are viewing this as a "battle." If you are constantly fighting your body you will fail. I just posted a blog on this today, take a look if you have time. I know I have struggled with this same attitude and issues, so it's by no means easy to accomplish. But if you can make small changes and…
  • Don't let one bad day become two, three, seven.... and then you are done. Put it behind you, recommit and move on. Take it from someone who has let one bad day completely derail them. You just have to put it behind you and know those days will happen from time to time.
  • OH, and if you want to add me as a friend, that would be great.
  • I used to call myself 2-month Mike. I would go on a diet like Weight Watchers or whatever and inevitably at the 2month mark I would lose focus, go back to old habits and gain back the weight plus a few more for good measure. So this time I've been going strong here on MFP for over 200 days and overall for 14 months. What's…
  • I wrap each one in aluminum foil, poke some holes in them and into a 400 degree oven. Takes about 45 min to an hour, but when they are soft, I take them out. I let them cool for a while, cut them up and measure each one and re-wrap into aluminum foil and with a marker write how many ounces each one is. I love sweet…
  • Try mixing in Quinoa pasta and Ezekiel bread (flourless). If you are eating a lot of pasta and bread you are getting a lot of processed foods and that can hinder your losses. When I eat Pasta, I eat Quinoa pasta and the only bread I try to eat is Ezekiel (they also make muffins, tortillas). you can also eat Quinoa in place…
  • My philosophy is that if you are trying to lose weight, don't eat them back, if you are maintenance, then eat away.
  • Logging is what keeps me honest. If I don't log then I might start sneaking this here and there and before I know it I'm doing God know's what with my diet. I know it can be a pain at times, but for some of us, it's a necessity. Do what's best for you though.
  • I've lost 133lbs here on MFP. Does that mean I know more than someone who has lost 3 or 33lbs? No. What it means is that I know what works for me. We are all different and it's about finding your path to a healthier lifestyle. However, I have learned many wonderful tricks and eating tips from looking at my friends diaries.…
  • I just rejoined the gym yesterday. I have been away from the gym for over 2 years and i have terrible knees. I would agree with what another post stated, see a trainer at the gym and have them set up a workout program for you with your knees in mind. But for me, I try to use low impact cardio like an elliptical or…
  • I have lost 130lbs here on MFP and 155lbs overall in 13 months. How? 1) I religiously logged my foods everyday, good or bad. 2) Didn't let a bad meal or day turn into two, three or give up all together. 3) Realize that there will be bumps in the road, stalls and obstacles to overcome. 4) Slowly added exercise around month…
  • So where did the name "Beer Belly" come from then? Hmmmmm
  • Can't tell you how many great food items I have picked up from other people's diaries. Open yours, friend people who have theirs open and look to see what they eat. It's ok to have treats and cheat meals, but overall you should strive to have as few processed foods as possible. Good luck
  • As someone who has lost 130lbs here on MFP and 150 overall, I can tell you that you will have times when you stall for no reason, you have a bad eating day or stresses of life seem to be overwhelming. Just know that if you can nip any of those situations in the bud and not turn 1 day into 2 bad ones into 7 bad ones into…
  • I've lost 150 pounds, am off all my diabetic medicine and I eat Subway at least once a week. When I go to Subway here are my criteria. 1) I always ask them to scoop out the extra bread from the loaf. (Saves about 40-50 calories per six inch) 2) I only eat the Turkey or Chicken breast 3) No Cheese 4) Loaded with fresh…
  • my grocery list is almost exact each week. I look at it this way, I eat healthy, get lots of low calorie dense foods and during my weight loss phase I want to keep it simple. Once I get to goal, I will tweak my diet and add some foods that I am not currently eating. But yes, I don't mind at all that my diet is almost…
  • Well, you already listed the two main ones I eat, Swai and Talapia. But try this. Get some Chia seeds (preferably organic) and grind them in a coffee grinder (or find them already grounded) and dip your fish in the chia powder. I love it that way and is super healthy. If you have trouble getting the Chia to stick to the…
  • I was taking Glipizide and Metfornin. Then once I lost about 100lbs, I started getting very low numbers, like 40's and 50's. So I took myself off the Glipizide and went to the doctor. He said to stay off the Glipizide and he halved my Metfornin. But now I'm off the Metfornin too since my fasting Glucose is usually 80-90 in…
  • I've lost 124 here on MFP and 147 total in just over a year. I did 3/4 of that without any organized exercise. I tried to walk more, but I have bad knees from some previous injuries. Now, I do low impact cardio (stationary bike) and weights/abs, alternating days. My advice, start slow. Yes, exercise is very important, but…
  • I've been at both ends, in fantastic shape as a athlete and in horrible shape in recent years. I know people treat overweight people differently and it's usually because they are insecure with themselves or showing off for others. I was coming out of a Subway sandwich shop some time back and this redneck said to me, "I…