The war I'm my head



  • cwelch2677
    cwelch2677 Posts: 69 Member
    I've been like this with my running lately. Hadn't really thought about how it might be the time of year affecting me. My body thinks it's supposed to be on vacation! :)
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    Pretty standard stuff for me. How I overcome these things is to lose myself in some kick *kitten* workout tunes, prepare a long term workout schedule with very specific goals in mind and just decide that I am sticking to it no matter what, look at the fat guys my age that sit on there arses dying, push harder to see what I am capable of, measure my workout like if I'm 1 mile into a 5 miles run then wow I'm already 20% done, look at what I have accomplished in reshaping my body and where I want to be...

    I do whatever it takes because I don't ever want to go back to being a fat, lazy, tired, boring, crapcake!!!
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    For me there are good days and bad days in running. One day I struggle to run even for ten minutes, another day I run 10k with ease. I've noticed this does have something to do with how I've eaten the day before. If I haven't eaten that much or not very nutritious food, it's harder to run. Try listening to radio, so you can focus on that instead of your thoughts. Also, I always run outside. Changing view and air that doesn't stand still makes running a lot easier.

    This. Pay attention to your nutrition and hydration. Definitely music. Definitely try to run outside (I see you were on work travel, so maybe no options...).

    I try to only have 1 or maybe 2 runs a week where I really push myself. And usually once a week I have a "f@#$ it all" run. Might have a distance goal, but just do whatever speed I feel like. However fast or slow. Walk whenever the h@# i feel like it. Got to let yourself off the rails every now and then.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    If you aren't training for a specific event, maybe you could sign up for a race for some added incentive. If that doesn't sound interesting, you could just be burned out on that workout, especially if that is what you have focused on exclusively for a while. Maybe you could find a class that interests you for a few weeks, change the scenery of where you are working out, something, anything to get rid of the boredom. Personally, I would rather have my fingernails pulled out one by one than to run on the treadmill.
  • MichaelFunaro
    MichaelFunaro Posts: 66 Member
    I wrote a blog about this subject last week.

    If you battle yourself, it's going to cause you problems. I know, cause I have done it too. It's all about getting it right in your head. Wish it was something I had a concrete answer for, but we all have to find what it is in our heads that makes us not battle our body. Once you find that, you will continue on with your success that you have achieved thus far. I wish you the best in finding that path.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I travel weekly for work and say the same things to myself in hotel gyms!!! It's salways different in my local gym.....never have the issues, but it always seems I have to push harder when traveling for the same result!
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    You need a distraction, like a TV or an iPod. This will take your mind off the argument with yourself and makes the time go by much faster!

    And I know it was just a typo but I loved it: DREADMILL!! It could have been Freudian! LOL! That is certainly what I think of it as!!:laugh:
  • HeyHeyLynn
    HeyHeyLynn Posts: 31 Member
    My daughter, now 34, has been running competitively (and personally) since she was 10 years old. One New Year's she made a resolution to run 45 minutes every day for a year, and she went OVER a year with her streak. When I told her I was going to start a walking program, she encouraged me to do it first thing in the morning before anything else; that way it's not something to make excuses about later (no time, too tired, don't feel like it, windy, rainy, know the excuses you can make.

    With her encouragement and the "first thing in the morning" rule, I've walked every day for 115 days. I have no excuses; I just do it....sometimes faster and peppier and happier than other times...but I do it.

    (I think I'm mostly still asleep, to tell the truth. I'm not a morning person.)
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    Your brain sounds like me most days. All i can say is keep going because at the end of the day you will feel so much better.
  • bearsmom82
    bearsmom82 Posts: 72 Member
    1) MUSIC. Get out the cell/iphone/mp3 player and load it will fast tempo music. Pick song you love, songs that you will find yourself singing along too no matter where you are.
    2) Watch TV if you are trapped on the dreamill, or read something (nook/kindle/ipad). Something to distract.
    3) COVER the numbers on the treadmill. I swear that min timer is the WORST thing to have displayed on the damn machines. If you have a smart phone, get one of the C25K apps that will prompt you when it's time to change.
    4) Offer to reward yourself for your hard work. Say.... go home and enjoy a hot bath/shower/soak. Go watch a movie later. Play some video games. Go window shopping for clothes you want to be able to fit in.

    My brain does the same evil talks while I'm in the gym, doing my thing. Some days it takes everything I have to stay put and do my time. But, don't quit.... I've gotten to the point where I've been sick going on 3 weeks - no gym time. I MISS EXERCISING!

    This is something I've NEVER... EVER said in my life before.

    Running is mostly mental - your body is very capable of doing the running, but your mind puts up obstacles. I always cover my timer on the treadmill, and I either run with a partner and keep talking throughout the run, or I listen to my favorite tunes - and recently, we've started watching university interest-course lectures on dvd when we're on the treadmill/elliptical in the basement. Don't let your mind stop your body from achieving it's best....
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Try listening to audiobooks.
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    You need a distraction, like a TV or an iPod. This will take your mind off the argument with yourself and makes the time go by much faster!

    And I know it was just a typo but I loved it: DREADMILL!! It could have been Freudian! LOL! That is certainly what I think of it as!!:laugh:

    Dreadmill was on purpose...i think it fits :laugh:
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    Lots of good ideas here...

    Outside is definitely better. I still fight the battle but not as bad. I'm not always comfortable outside in strange cities, so tend to use the hotel fitness center. This time it was still dark and rainy. I live in the midwest...when winter hits in full force, I'm going to have to get right with the indoor run

    Music - the iPod is on...the tunes are cranking and the training app is running. I've got a few on the playlist that crack me up when they come on...."Baby got back" by sir mix-a-lot, "the girl got hot" by weezer, "the distance" by cake....the audio book might help ramp up the distraction factor....thanks Natalie!

    Mix it up - I'm switching fitness facilities the first of the year, and at that point planning to add some lap swimming to the weekly plan. I am nervous though - I have never really been a runner before....worked so hard to get to this point and worry about going backwards.

    It was really helpful to hear that I'm not the only one who does this. I totally need to work on the self affirmation stuff. You guys all ROCK!

