What are the 'real' stories behind the weightloss pictures



  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Also, people don't tell us if they had Weight Loss Surgery! It's SUPER to lose 75/100...pounds in a year, but if you had WLS the avg person can't follow your regime or a Liquid Diet. So tell us the truth up front. No matter what it is still an accomplishment.
  • cineshome
    cineshome Posts: 97 Member
    bump for later!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    eating right + good exercise = results
  • Robyn120
    Robyn120 Posts: 249
    bump for later
  • WandRsmom
    WandRsmom Posts: 253 Member
    I was always in OK shape. Then we struggled to get pregnant with our second child, and I turned to food. I went from 150 to 226lbs * i am 5'8 for reference, in just under a year. I stayed that weigh for almost 3yrs. My dr told me that I would have an easier time conceiving if I was healthier, so I started working out, lost almost 20 lbs and became pregnant (we had stopped trying).

    I stayed active while pregnant, gained a healthy 18lbs, had a healthy baby girl :). two mths after she was born I began doing Jillian Micheals 30 day shred. I did well with "the shred" and just started rotated JM dvds. I slowly added in running with my dog (which was rough at first, I walked more than anything but I was moving and now I RUN ;)). I am down 50lbs in the last 7mths. In August I will start Insanity. My goal says 10 more lbs as of right now, but I don't know that for sure. I know I want to eventually be capable of doing a handstand pushups. Why? cause I wanna, thats why lol. I want to just continue exploring fitness and having fun with it. Thats my goal :) .
    Here are some pics.
    Down around 20lbs
    Down around 40- 45lbs
    40-45lbs (this was my goal dress)
    Last I promise lol, the legs I was always embarrased by, not so embarrasing anymore. They are why run, oh and that's 50lbs) DSC03640.jpg
  • hellmama5
    hellmama5 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you for sharing!!
  • katieheston
    Thanks for this response, Dodge. It helped me to read it. Esp. the word "patient". Thanks again!
  • katieheston
    What a great story! Thanks so much for sharing!
  • arikag
    arikag Posts: 94 Member
    It just needs to become what you do and eventually the rest happens on its own.

    This is GREAT and so true. Well put.
  • MichaelFunaro
    MichaelFunaro Posts: 66 Member
    I have lost 130lbs here on MFP and 155lbs overall in 13 months. How?

    1) I religiously logged my foods everyday, good or bad.
    2) Didn't let a bad meal or day turn into two, three or give up all together.
    3) Realize that there will be bumps in the road, stalls and obstacles to overcome.
    4) Slowly added exercise around month 7 and now do one day of weights/abs, one day of stationary bike.
    5) Will be joining the gym shortly to incorporate more exercise as I head down the home stretch.
    6) Use the support system here on MFP to help me when I'm up or down.

    That's what I did.
  • Ghette
    Ghette Posts: 350 Member
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    I still have a long way to go. In total (including before MFP) I've lost around 26lbs.

    For me I havent been eating completely clean and I still go out for meals etc. Its all about informed choices rather than the completely best for you choice. I spend twice as long grocery shopping now because if I want something i'll find the best of the bunch. ie last night I made a stir fry but wanted a good tasting one and not necessarily the most healthy i could make. I found a sauce I liked the look of and then looked at all the makes of that sauce and found the best in calorie count, then i thought about each ingredient and thought how much they may add to the meal and worked out the best taste combo for the fewest calories. I got really low cal noodles so i could offset the chorizo i wanted in there. Its all about informed choices :)

    (some icecreams are 60-80 calories!! i pretty much have 3 icecreams a week after workouts as my treats).

    Working out is a big part of it. I started off by doing pure cardio in the gym and felt motivated. I then realised doing that for a full year would be boring! I started strength training in the gym with a bit of cardio and enjoyed it more. I then started to play basketball once a week to get that cardio hit. I love basketball so i took up a second night per week and that along with some paintball (once every 2 weeks) and the strength training was enough to lose the weight and increase stamina. Now i've added in P90X and im loving it!

    I'm slowly becoming addicted to working out and improving myself. If you have a choice between stairs and a lift take the stairs and make it a challenge. If you have the choice of a shopping cart or a basket take the basket (or 2!) and do the weight training around the supermarket. Everything is a mini challenge for me now and i love it.
  • traceygl1967
    traceygl1967 Posts: 72 Member
    It's a long story....

    Basically, I changed the way I live my life. I made the "healthy lifestyle" become the everyday way I live my life. It has become a habit that I don't think about as much as I used to. Everyday, every hour, every minute used to be a massive struggle, but as time has gone on it has become easier. Not that I don't have struggles anymore, but I feel that I am more equipped to deal with them.

    I am always reluctant to tell people specifically how I've lost the weight beyond "Eating right and exercising" because what worked for me may not work for others, and I don't want anyone to feel discouraged.

    Once piece of advice I will give is "Live your life the best way you can...everything will fall into place in time. Because this process takes time".

    wow you look fantastic like a different person :)
  • Slimat30
    Slimat30 Posts: 142
    Hi lovely!
    I ate 2000 cals every day and ran 3 times a week. Got to my goal in 3 months. Xxx
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    First of all thanks for a great thread . I lost all my weight with logging my calories and eating clean no take out. I have NOT had surgery and will never have surgery i'm a scaredy cat I had back surgery a few years ago and that scared me so much hence why i don't workout ,it's too painful for me to do it. Add me as a friend all are welcome
  • CarrieStL
    CarrieStL Posts: 162 Member
    My journey started around a year and a half ago but more seriously around a year ago. Everyone always asks "what are you doing!?" "How'd you do it?" The minute you try and tell them "I eat better and exercise" they shut down and don't want to hear anymore. Everyone wants the magic bullet or the super pill and not the truth.

    This is so true about how people react to people losing weight. These people do not want to work hard - just a magic pill.

  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I'm not at goal yet, but almost 3/4 of the way there.

    Ah, where do I start?

    This is my first time posting my whole story on here. It's long, I must warn you.

    Well, I was always a slim person. As a baby, I was slim. As a child, I was skinny. And as a teenager, despite my developing curves, I was still very slim and maintained it easily.

    When I was 14 years old, due to problems at home and emerging inability to cope with my emotions, I ran away from home. I was gone for four months. In this time, I became very underweight. To the point that ribs, hibs and collarbones jutted out. I remember many weeks of not eating, in fact, one time that comes to mind is not having a proper meal in a week, and begging some guy I knew to give me £1. He eventually relinquished one to me, and I went and bought some chicken and chips. It was a relief. And I, always an animal lover, wouldn't even give one to the dog, who was also starving (wasn't around very nice people, I still think about that poor dog).

    Once I came back home, my appetite was phenomenal. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. I couldn't get enough food. I was constantly hungry. I would go to people's houses just to eat, and I'd still feel empty and starved. I remember devouring packets of kit kats, yogurts, bananas and crisps, and still feel insatiably hungry.

    I put weight back on quickly. But it was nice weight. Nothing drastic. I looked good. But, little did I know, my weight and food troubles were soon to start...

    Over the summer of 2008 (I think that was then. I was about 15 or so), I really packed on the lbs. I used to eat whole cakes daily. A favourite of mine was chocolate trifle or chocolate gateaux. By the time I got back to school for my final year, I was noticeably bigger (though, I was still pretty slim). EVERYONE gave me flack for it. I was honestly fine with the way I looked, but after the constant comments, the jokes about food and the shock on people's faces when they saw me eating, I started to feel insecure about my weight.

    Fast forward two years to sixth form. I was 16, going on 17, and clinical depression took over my life. My eating and binging got out of control, and I dropped out of college. I was disgusted with my appearence, but food was honestly my only friend. My only comfort.

    The binging, the bad eating, the comfort eating carried on.

    Fast forward, again, to September 2011. I met my ex, and in the same month, started work at Starbucks. Being in a comfortable, serious relationship, dealing with the emotional issues that being with him brought back up and working in a place inundated with sugar = massive weight gain. I got so fat, I had to unbutton my work trousers to avoid stomach aches. It cut into me so bad, I had marks on my skin. I looked massive. I had started to look obese. I am 5"5 and, as far as I know, my highest weight was 196lbs. I honestly hated my body, so much. I couldn't find anything to truly like about my appearence. I felt like a beast.

    Then, one day, in March, I was on the app store on my iPhone. I found an app called calorie count, and downloaded it on a whim. I tried it out, liking the concept of being able to log food and scan them (I like scanning things :laugh:). But, to be completely honest, CC was BS. It was rubbish.

    So, I downloaded MFP.

    I already had a log in, as I joined this site in 2010 (was on a thing called Diet Chef. Lost 11lbs, gained 9 back very soon after). And I stated logging!

    30.5lbs later, here I am!

    How has this journey been for me?

    Amazing. Difficult. Inspiring. Worrying. Confusing. Upsetting. Distressing. Frustrating. Exciting, and many more.

    It's not all roses for me. I still have deep set issues with food. I am currently struggling with constant hunger pangs and little to no willpower. I have this constant worry that I'll regain the weight. And sometimes, I get so damned angry that I can't just eat what I want without calorie counting.

    But, to see my body change and curves re-emerge, like a flower blooming in summer. To feel my confidence growing. To know I look good.

    All worth it :)

    Sorry this was so long!

    Wow hun your story really touched a few heart strings. You have definitely being on a life change through weightloss and everything else. We have similar lifestyles and this has given me hope that I can continue no matter what. thanks

    Aww, thanks hun. It was definitely hard to share but honesty is key, especially as I need to heal from my past.

    You're so welcome, and I wish you all the luck x
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I'm not at goal yet, but almost 3/4 of the way there.

    Ah, where do I start?

    This is my first time posting my whole story on here. It's long, I must warn you.

    Well, I was always a slim person. As a baby, I was slim. As a child, I was skinny. And as a teenager, despite my developing curves, I was still very slim and maintained it easily.

    When I was 14 years old, due to problems at home and emerging inability to cope with my emotions, I ran away from home. I was gone for four months. In this time, I became very underweight. To the point that ribs, hibs and collarbones jutted out. I remember many weeks of not eating, in fact, one time that comes to mind is not having a proper meal in a week, and begging some guy I knew to give me £1. He eventually relinquished one to me, and I went and bought some chicken and chips. It was a relief. And I, always an animal lover, wouldn't even give one to the dog, who was also starving (wasn't around very nice people, I still think about that poor dog).

    Once I came back home, my appetite was phenomenal. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. I couldn't get enough food. I was constantly hungry. I would go to people's houses just to eat, and I'd still feel empty and starved. I remember devouring packets of kit kats, yogurts, bananas and crisps, and still feel insatiably hungry.

    I put weight back on quickly. But it was nice weight. Nothing drastic. I looked good. But, little did I know, my weight and food troubles were soon to start...

    Over the summer of 2008 (I think that was then. I was about 15 or so), I really packed on the lbs. I used to eat whole cakes daily. A favourite of mine was chocolate trifle or chocolate gateaux. By the time I got back to school for my final year, I was noticeably bigger (though, I was still pretty slim). EVERYONE gave me flack for it. I was honestly fine with the way I looked, but after the constant comments, the jokes about food and the shock on people's faces when they saw me eating, I started to feel insecure about my weight.

    Fast forward two years to sixth form. I was 16, going on 17, and clinical depression took over my life. My eating and binging got out of control, and I dropped out of college. I was disgusted with my appearence, but food was honestly my only friend. My only comfort.

    The binging, the bad eating, the comfort eating carried on.

    Fast forward, again, to September 2011. I met my ex, and in the same month, started work at Starbucks. Being in a comfortable, serious relationship, dealing with the emotional issues that being with him brought back up and working in a place inundated with sugar = massive weight gain. I got so fat, I had to unbutton my work trousers to avoid stomach aches. It cut into me so bad, I had marks on my skin. I looked massive. I had started to look obese. I am 5"5 and, as far as I know, my highest weight was 196lbs. I honestly hated my body, so much. I couldn't find anything to truly like about my appearence. I felt like a beast.

    Then, one day, in March, I was on the app store on my iPhone. I found an app called calorie count, and downloaded it on a whim. I tried it out, liking the concept of being able to log food and scan them (I like scanning things :laugh:). But, to be completely honest, CC was BS. It was rubbish.

    So, I downloaded MFP.

    I already had a log in, as I joined this site in 2010 (was on a thing called Diet Chef. Lost 11lbs, gained 9 back very soon after). And I stated logging!

    30.5lbs later, here I am!

    How has this journey been for me?

    Amazing. Difficult. Inspiring. Worrying. Confusing. Upsetting. Distressing. Frustrating. Exciting, and many more.

    It's not all roses for me. I still have deep set issues with food. I am currently struggling with constant hunger pangs and little to no willpower. I have this constant worry that I'll regain the weight. And sometimes, I get so damned angry that I can't just eat what I want without calorie counting.

    But, to see my body change and curves re-emerge, like a flower blooming in summer. To feel my confidence growing. To know I look good.

    All worth it :)

    Sorry this was so long!
    First of all, I'm sorry you've had to go through so much at such a young age but I'm happy to hear you're on the right track! Congratulations! I also would like to give you a tip on the hunger thing. Have you ever tried having a lean protein snack like boiled eggs or just the white of a boiled egg? The egg white only (large egg) has 17 calories, you can eat plenty of them without going over on cals and it's very filling. I had to use them when I first started MFP to curb my hunger and it helped a lot. I only had to do it for a few weeks. Again, congrats and good luck with your new lifestyle!

    Thank you!

    That is also a good idea. I will have a look in my local to see if I can buy just egg whites alone :)
  • Isatryli
    Isatryli Posts: 76 Member
    BUMP... Amazing and very inspirational stories. thanks for sharing
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    Patience is a virtue. Patience is a virtue. Patience is a virtue.

    This does not melt away overnight by osmosis. It takes time and work...dedication...sweat...tears...

    It took me two and half years to lose the weight~just lost my last three today, actually. I will admit that I do not look how I imagined (the sand does tend to shift as we age and I am not spring chicken! but, also for my age I don't look too bad either!).

    I did some serious lifting and that helped a lot~that and running. Cardio and weight training are an awesome combo if you are able to do it.

    Is it worth it? YOU BET!!! I am a much healthier, happier person!!! Life actually is fantastic!!!

    Hang in there! Utilize the support you get here at MFP!!! It is a wonderful web site and the people here are great. You are Not Alone!
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