getting nervous

I'm 31 lbs, 70 some days into my weight loss journey... with 53 lbs to go, and I'm starting to notice familiar slacking patterns. First comes exercise routines and excuses as to why it was okay that I skipped for the day, then next is allowing myself to "cheat" eat. I'm starting to get nervous, I feel like this is my make it or break it time... The point where in the past, I have derailed and never found my way back in time to get a grip on things. I refuse to let this be another failed attempt to reach the finish line. To shake things up, I thought I would try to find more motivational friends to add. It can't hurt. I know for certain my success so far has been helped by the friends I have now on here. Add me please. : ) Thanks!


  • acrynne
    acrynne Posts: 74 Member
    sending you an add now--- stick with it! you can do it!
  • MichaelFunaro
    MichaelFunaro Posts: 66 Member
    I used to call myself 2-month Mike. I would go on a diet like Weight Watchers or whatever and inevitably at the 2month mark I would lose focus, go back to old habits and gain back the weight plus a few more for good measure. So this time I've been going strong here on MFP for over 200 days and overall for 14 months. What's different this time? I know I can't go back to being that old Mike again. My health won't take it again. Sure, I've had a few days where I have eaten poorly, but I don't let it get out of hand. And this time I know that sticking with MFP and the support here has really helped. I wish I had a concrete answer as to why we lose motivation, but I don't. All I can say is that at this point in my life I want to be healthy more than I want to be heading toward an early grave.
  • MichaelFunaro
    MichaelFunaro Posts: 66 Member
    OH, and if you want to add me as a friend, that would be great.
  • jenf235
    jenf235 Posts: 157 Member
    You can definitely do this!!! It is so hard. I went through a time of thinking it wasn't worth it, and then I realized, is worth it, because WE are worth it!!!! Don't give can add me as a friend if you want...I'm in this for good. No giving up this time!
  • valcladdagh
    valcladdagh Posts: 210 Member
    You can friend me if you would like. I am three months in, have also lost 31 and have 70 more to go and have been struggling a bit as well with less willpower than I started with. But I am not giving up and although I've had a few less than stellar days I am still staying within or close to my daily calorie total. MFP has been a great experience for me, without my friends on here and their support and the accountability it gives me I probably would have faltered by now, as I have in the past. You can do this, hold on to your goals.
  • Amlong1977
    Amlong1977 Posts: 125 Member
    I'm also in this for life. Feel free to add me. DON'T GIVE UP!!! When things get really hard, look at how far you've come. Put up pics around your house, including your fridge, of the body you want. On days that you don't feel like exercising keep your calories down & remember tomorrow is another day. There was a long poem someone posted that was very inspirational. One of the lines was that the race is never finished, it's never too late to get back in. The only way you're out is if you give up on yourself. Something like that anyway. If I can find it I'll send it to you. Just remember starting over is a lot harder than hopping back on track. Also, enjoy the small victories, how good you feel after a workout, how proud you are when you choose something healthy over crap, every time you see the scale drop even a little bit. You just have to believe in yourself & know you're worth it!
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    Amiong1977 you are so right about everything you just said. You are very motivational. I just had a bad day myself and I need to pick myself back up and get back on that wagon. I will not quit trying no matter how hard it gets.
  • roohill
    roohill Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks so much everyone!! I think more than anything I'm scared of what a gain would do to me, considering all other times it has caused me to quit. I am in control of my own life though, and it helps a lot seeing others say "don't give up." It makes that voice in my head scream " I don't plan to." It reminds me that this really is it, and I should break away from being scared, and stop standing in my own way.
  • Amlong1977
    Amlong1977 Posts: 125 Member
    @ Tina... you're absolutely right! Over the past month I've lost & gained 5 lbs countless times, but through perseverance & changing things up, I managed to break my plateau this morning. As long as you never give up you'll always meet your goals. Time shouldn't be a facto because this is for life. :)