Question for the Diabetics on Meds

I always see/read things about diabetics that lost enough weight to go off of their meds. My question is, if you're one of those people, how did you know to stop taking your meds? (I'm on Metformin) I know I have not lost a ton of weight, but I AM about 40 pounds less than I was when I was diagnosed. I have noticed the last couple of days that Im having really weird low sugar numbers (for example its only 100 2 hours after I eat) and I'm wondering if anyone else experienced something like this?

I will consult the doctor, Im just looking to see IF the weight loss might be a cause. lol the Dr never told me what to look for if I should ever get a significant amount of weight off.


  • Canderson58054
    Canderson58054 Posts: 132 Member
    I always see/read things about diabetics that lost enough weight to go off of their meds. My question is, if you're one of those people, how did you know to stop taking your meds? (I'm on Metformin) I know I have not lost a ton of weight, but I AM about 40 pounds less than I was when I was diagnosed. I have noticed the last couple of days that Im having really weird low sugar numbers (for example its only 100 2 hours after I eat) and I'm wondering if anyone else experienced something like this?

    I will consult the doctor, Im just looking to see IF the weight loss might be a cause. lol the Dr never told me what to look for if I should ever get a significant amount of weight off.

    Congrats on your success thus far! :) I am type 1, so I will never "be off my meds" ( Insulin) but... I have ppl in my family who are type 2 also. You'll have to consult your doctor... and let him know what your eating, and what your blood sugars are. A good dr won't just take you off of them... but if you are experiencing lows- they will start with gradually cutting the medicine dose before trying to cut it altogether. But honestly- I wouldnt consider 100 low for a 2 hr after bloodsugar. But everyone is different. With T2 diabetics... weightloss can be a cure, but not for everyone. Some people still have to take those meds, but with the weightloss they can either take a smaller dose, or sometimes thier body starts to use the insulin thier body produces more efficiently.
  • mistressfaye
    mistressfaye Posts: 232 Member
    lol I know we are all way different, but for ME, 100 is WAY low for 2 hours....Im normally between 160-175 2 hours post meal (and considered well controlled by my dr with a constant A1C of 6.2) I was suffering low sugar symptoms...I went off on the bank teller for no reason at all on Friday (I get really combative when my sugar goes down) and didnt even realize why (Im normally much nicer when my sugar is good...I've learned to contain my "stupid people rage)

    It could have just been a weird few days too....with diabetes its always "something" (Im sure you can relate lol) It just got me to thinking, and I wondered how those that can reduce their medications felt and how they noticed their resistance changing to the point they needed to talk to the dr (you will never see me say diabetes is cured...there is no cure...there is just different ways to control it....if someone loses 100 pounds and can go off meds, that is not a cure....if they gain that weight back, they are probably going to end up on their meds again....but I wont get on my soapbox about diabetes being "cured"...thats a huge pet peeve of mine lol)
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    Hi Doll! I'm type 2 diagnosed 4 years ago. To date I have lost 42.2# but I have never been on meds. I've so far been able to control it with just diet and exercise. I saw my parents waste away with the disease and buckled down and vowed no to let it happen to my children. I would suggest speaking to your doc about your readings. He may suggest a lower dosage or with his blessing maybe try a couple of days without it. What does your A1C look like? My doc bases his opinion on that report most of the time.
  • jaharrison763
    jaharrison763 Posts: 99 Member
    I wish I could help you, but according to my doctor, I've done the best I can to control my blood sugar levels with diet/exercise (I'm 5'5" 136 lbs). I'm type 2, but it has very little to do with my weight, and everything to do with genetics. My A1C increased from 5.8 to 6.1 after 6 months of mad exercise and diet control. I lost a few pounds, too! My doctor put me on 500 mg Metformin 6 weeks ago, but was told it'll have to be increased at some point. :frown:

    I've known several people who have been able to go off meds after they've lost some weight, but your doctor will be your best source of info for this question. And before I forget, congrats on your success so far! 100 two hours after eating is very low in my world, too!
  • Defren
    Defren Posts: 216 Member
    I'm T2 on Metformin. I'm in the UK so don't understand your BG readings, ours are in mmol/l and mine are around the high 4's to low 5's usually. My last A1c (or HbA1c as it's called here) was 4.9%. Metformin is seen as a very safe drug, so don't feel you have to stop taking it because it may cause harm. There is also some suggestion it has Cardio Vascular protective qualities. Speak with your Doctor, that for me is always the best and safest route to go down, as no one knows you like your Doctor. Good luck.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I'm T2, I've lost 100lbs. - I'm near my goal weight. I have an appoitment with my doctor in 3 weeks. I'm curious if he will take me off the meds or lower the dose. Currently taking 500 mg/day (metformin). My last A1C test a few months ago was 5.2
  • mistressfaye
    mistressfaye Posts: 232 Member
    my last A1C was 6.2...and its been that way for the last two years...Im not due for another one until December, so we'll see what it says then.

    Defren, lol the UK way of measuring always throws me off too, I can NEVER remember how they convert back and forth. I'd never go off them without asking him...Im lucky, I have an awesome doctor who actually listens when I tell him what my body is doing. Unless something drastically changes, I will go over it with him at my next check up (He runs my tests every three months)

    jaharrison, my diabetes isn't really caused by my weight (though Im sure that doesnt help) but I have hemochromatosis and that affects both your liver and hemo will never ever go away, so neither will my diabetes (Im the only one in my family on either side with it) and its entirely possible when Im old, I'll have to move to insulin because of the damage hemo does.
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    lol I know we are all way different, but for ME, 100 is WAY low for 2 hours....Im normally between 160-175 2 hours post meal (and considered well controlled by my dr with a constant A1C of 6.2) I was suffering low sugar symptoms...I went off on the bank teller for no reason at all on Friday (I get really combative when my sugar goes down) and didnt even realize why (Im normally much nicer when my sugar is good...I've learned to contain my "stupid people rage)

    It could have just been a weird few days too....with diabetes its always "something" (Im sure you can relate lol) It just got me to thinking, and I wondered how those that can reduce their medications felt and how they noticed their resistance changing to the point they needed to talk to the dr (you will never see me say diabetes is cured...there is no cure...there is just different ways to control it....if someone loses 100 pounds and can go off meds, that is not a cure....if they gain that weight back, they are probably going to end up on their meds again....but I wont get on my soapbox about diabetes being "cured"...thats a huge pet peeve of mine lol)

    100 is where you should be an hour or tow after a meal. an A1C over 6 is not good. I just went to the doctor today thinking that with all my working out I'd be able to quit taking Metformin. My A1C is 5.9. Still have to take the metformin.
  • tubaman58
    tubaman58 Posts: 151
    If you can get A1C down around 6 for a while, your Dr. may OK lowering your metfornin dosage and monitoring....
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    lol I know we are all way different, but for ME, 100 is WAY low for 2 hours....Im normally between 160-175 2 hours post meal (and considered well controlled by my dr with a constant A1C of 6.2) I was suffering low sugar symptoms...I went off on the bank teller for no reason at all on Friday (I get really combative when my sugar goes down) and didnt even realize why (Im normally much nicer when my sugar is good...I've learned to contain my "stupid people rage)

    It could have just been a weird few days too....with diabetes its always "something" (Im sure you can relate lol) It just got me to thinking, and I wondered how those that can reduce their medications felt and how they noticed their resistance changing to the point they needed to talk to the dr (you will never see me say diabetes is cured...there is no cure...there is just different ways to control it....if someone loses 100 pounds and can go off meds, that is not a cure....if they gain that weight back, they are probably going to end up on their meds again....but I wont get on my soapbox about diabetes being "cured"...thats a huge pet peeve of mine lol)

    Not true... I was a type 2 and now it's gone. I'm no longer classed as diabetic. It's very difficult and rare someone reverses it, but it can be done. Go to the doctors promptly and ask him to do a glucose tolerance tests. Don't just stop the meds yourself. It may be a different way of counting the sugars, but mine was 26 last time which he was really happy with as it should be 59 or less x
  • MichaelFunaro
    MichaelFunaro Posts: 66 Member
    I was taking Glipizide and Metfornin. Then once I lost about 100lbs, I started getting very low numbers, like 40's and 50's. So I took myself off the Glipizide and went to the doctor. He said to stay off the Glipizide and he halved my Metfornin. But now I'm off the Metfornin too since my fasting Glucose is usually 80-90 in the A.M. and my numbers after eating are 90-100. So I went from a A1c of over 10 to around 5.5. So yes, I have gone off all my diabetic meds because 1) Losing weight, 2) Exercise and 3) watching what I eat.
  • mistressfaye
    mistressfaye Posts: 232 Member
    That might be where your doctor/nutritionist says you should be two hours after a meal, but mine and not the ADA or AACE (and my body) say nope...100 is where I should be when I wake up in the morning after not having eaten for 7 hours, not after having carbs (my target is 165 per my nutritionist, the ADA says less than 180 and the AACE says 140) . (now this might be totally different for someone that is T1, I dont know, I'm T2, so if you're a type 1 then this might not apply to you at all)

    6.2 is considered "controlled". They ADA says anything under 7 is the target and the AACE says anything below 6.5, Anything over a 5, and a doctor is going to want you on medication.
  • mistressfaye
    mistressfaye Posts: 232 Member
    I was taking Glipizide and Metfornin. Then once I lost about 100lbs, I started getting very low numbers, like 40's and 50's. So I took myself off the Glipizide and went to the doctor. He said to stay off the Glipizide and he halved my Metfornin. But now I'm off the Metfornin too since my fasting Glucose is usually 80-90 in the A.M. and my numbers after eating are 90-100. So I went from a A1c of over 10 to around 5.5. So yes, I have gone off all my diabetic meds because 1) Losing weight, 2) Exercise and 3) watching what I eat.

    That is so awesome!! I am truly looking forward to the day where I can do that as well
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    That might be where your doctor/nutritionist says you should be two hours after a meal, but mine and not the ADA or AACE (and my body) say nope...100 is where I should be when I wake up in the morning after not having eaten for 7 hours, not after having carbs (my target is 165 per my nutritionist, the ADA says less than 180 and the AACE says 140) . (now this might be totally different for someone that is T1, I dont know, I'm T2, so if you're a type 1 then this might not apply to you at all)

    6.2 is considered "controlled". They ADA says anything under 7 is the target and the AACE says anything below 6.5, Anything over a 5, and a doctor is going to want you on medication.

    165 is too high. When I was in the hospital for surgery and my blood sugar was over 150 - I was getting insulin.

    My targets are (set by the doctors office and the diabetes educator)
    Fasting - under 90
    1-2 hours after a meal 120 or lower. Preferrably 110 or lower

    From the lab report I got at the doctors office today:
    A1C > 6.4 is diabetes
    A1C between 5.7 and 6.4 is increased risk of diabetes - this also indicated control of diabetes if a person is on medication
    A1C between 4.8 and 5.6 is normal range for non diabetic.

    Anything over 120 is what contributes to a higher A1C and leads to nerve and kidney damage.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Do consult your doctor...but 100 two hours after your meal is wonderful. I would be really happy with that. Personally, I feel the ADA has way too high of a range of what they consider to be "acceptable". In my opinion, the closer you can keep your blood sugar to what is actually normal, the better off you will be in the long run. Metformin very rarely causes hypoglycemia. Metformin works by increasing your body's sensitivity to the insulin that you are producing, it doesn't force you to make more. Hypoglycemia is more likely in those diabetics that are taking insulin or drugs that are stimulating the pancreas to produce more insulin. Chances are, your blood sugars are simply becoming more normal because you are losing weight and eating better. Your doctor may wean your dose until you are off it as tolerated, but that drug should not be causing hypoglycemia.
  • mistressfaye
    mistressfaye Posts: 232 Member
    lol I know we are all way different, but for ME, 100 is WAY low for 2 hours....Im normally between 160-175 2 hours post meal (and considered well controlled by my dr with a constant A1C of 6.2) I was suffering low sugar symptoms...I went off on the bank teller for no reason at all on Friday (I get really combative when my sugar goes down) and didnt even realize why (Im normally much nicer when my sugar is good...I've learned to contain my "stupid people rage)

    It could have just been a weird few days too....with diabetes its always "something" (Im sure you can relate lol) It just got me to thinking, and I wondered how those that can reduce their medications felt and how they noticed their resistance changing to the point they needed to talk to the dr (you will never see me say diabetes is cured...there is no cure...there is just different ways to control it....if someone loses 100 pounds and can go off meds, that is not a cure....if they gain that weight back, they are probably going to end up on their meds again....but I wont get on my soapbox about diabetes being "cured"...thats a huge pet peeve of mine lol)

    Not true... I was a type 2 and now it's gone. I'm no longer classed as diabetic. It's very difficult and rare someone reverses it, but it can be done. Go to the doctors promptly and ask him to do a glucose tolerance tests. Don't just stop the meds yourself. It may be a different way of counting the sugars, but mine was 26 last time which he was really happy with as it should be 59 or less x

    lol I never said I was going to stop the meds without talking to my doctor, I was asking for people to tell me what their bodies told them when it came time for that. It is awesome that you've lost enough to come off your meds and your A1C is in the non diabetic range, I hope it stays that way for you!!!
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    I always see/read things about diabetics that lost enough weight to go off of their meds. My question is, if you're one of those people, how did you know to stop taking your meds? (I'm on Metformin) I know I have not lost a ton of weight, but I AM about 40 pounds less than I was when I was diagnosed. I have noticed the last couple of days that Im having really weird low sugar numbers (for example its only 100 2 hours after I eat) and I'm wondering if anyone else experienced something like this?

    I will consult the doctor, Im just looking to see IF the weight loss might be a cause. lol the Dr never told me what to look for if I should ever get a significant amount of weight off.

    I just last week stopped taking Glipizide for a two week test to see if I can stay off it right now. My numbers were excellent, A1C, BP and cholesterol. I only changed this with my endocrinologist's help and guidance. I have a wonderful endo and she's on top of things with my changes. Each person is different in how they react.

    On Glipizide I was hitting lows, like 50s when working out. I continue to drop weight, watch my carbs, as I'm now doing no more than 90 per day under doctor and dietician supervision. Honestly, I feel great and glipizide has one potential side effect of slowing weight loss or adding weight. Off a week and my weight dropped nicely so far.

    Good luck
  • margieyoumans
    margieyoumans Posts: 181 Member
    I was taking 15mg Glyburide per day at the beginning of this year. 10 in the morning and 5 at night. As I lost weight, my Dr and I slowly halved my dosage. I don't take anything anymore but I still check my sugars, just a force of habit I guess.

    The BEST advice I could give you is work with your Doctor. It is possible to come off of your meds if you're T2, I'm living proof of that!
  • mistressfaye
    mistressfaye Posts: 232 Member
    Do consult your doctor...but 100 two hours after your meal is wonderful. I would be really happy with that. Personally, I feel the ADA has way too high of a range of what they consider to be "acceptable". In my opinion, the closer you can keep your blood sugar to what is actually normal, the better off you will be in the long run. Metformin very rarely causes hypoglycemia. Metformin works by increasing your body's sensitivity to the insulin that you are producing, it doesn't force you to make more. Hypoglycemia is more likely in those diabetics that are taking insulin or drugs that are stimulating the pancreas to produce more insulin. Chances are, your blood sugars are simply becoming more normal because you are losing weight and eating better. Your doctor may wean your dose until you are off it as tolerated, but that drug should not be causing hypoglycemia.

    Thats good to hear!! I will definitely keep an eye on it. Glipizide cause hypo's in me (way back in the beginning, but the dr had me on that AND metformin right off the bat. I'm only taking 500 mg of Met a day, and unfortunately for ME, Met can cause hypo's, if I take 1000 my sugar is crashing left and right....a lot of MY issues have to do with the double curse of the hemochromatosis and the diabetes, because of the hemo I have developed a condition that diabetics are not supposed to have, which causes major insulin dumps if I take too much Met....but thats another story for another day.
  • mistressfaye
    mistressfaye Posts: 232 Member
    I was taking 15mg Glyburide per day at the beginning of this year. 10 in the morning and 5 at night. As I lost weight, my Dr and I slowly halved my dosage. I don't take anything anymore but I still check my sugars, just a force of habit I guess.

    The BEST advice I could give you is work with your Doctor. It is possible to come off of your meds if you're T2, I'm living proof of that!

    Im soooo glad for you, its so nice not to be chained to a pill bottle!!!