christyhall01 Member


  • Water is critical for health; however, I would be careful about telling people to drink a gallon per day. Not everyone has healthy kidneys, which flush the water out - when kidney function is decreased, the blood becomes "diluted" and it throws your sodium balance off (called hyponatremia), also termed water intoxication…
  • Congratulations! You know what I've noticed is that as this process happens, there is something inside our spirits that change & it shows on the outside. Your pics show it look more "free" your face, your eyes, your smile. The one of you in the ocean with your arms up is my fave - it captures this…
  • I can totally see a difference - your stomach right under your bra line is smaller & your arms are definitely more toned. I get discouraged because my scale weight doesn't change much either, but you are inspiration!
  • Welcome! I just joined last week and already lost two pounds (in my first week!). We, ladies, have it tough sometimes because of all of our crazy hormones, but I am convinced that nutrition and watching our diet is KEY - along with a moderate amount of exercise. Make sure you are eating enough - it doesn't sound like you…
  • I have a major sweet tooth - always have. What I've been doing to get my sugar fix is take black seedless grapes, rinse them, toss them in sugar-free jello & freeze them. It's like eating little popsicles...I'm not sure if I will ever get rid of my sweet tooth & I think sugar is very addictive. Try the grapes! They help!
  • I'm so glad you asked this as I was just wondering the same thing. I have a serious sweet tooth & find that to replace my candies & such, I am reaching for fruits. Right now, I have a major addiction to frozen grapes covered in sugar-free jello. Glad to hear!
  • You look great!! Keep up the good work!
  • Well, I think you do NOT look like a pear! You have gorgeous legs!! and I say a big CONGRATS to you for all that hard work! I am so inspired on this site - I just joined and haven't lost a pound yet, but I feel so much inspiration, hope, and connectedness that we are all somehow in this together! Keep up your great work &…
  • HI! I, too, am in the dissertation phase of my doctorate & when I graduate in May, it will have been almost a 5-year journey. I am also a mom, wife, full-time teacher, etc., so I can understand where you are coming from. I've put on weight myself through these past few years, and have always been a little "chunky" & not a…