GreenKay Member


  • I started using a probiotic / enzyme combo (12 listed on the bottle ) along with some other suppliments when I started a low-ish carb plan, all doctor prescribed. I've lost weight, but I'm sure that's the diet, not the probiotics. But I've always had constipation issues, more so when doing low carb, but not this time. For…
  • Boredom can trick me into thinking I am hungry. I chug down some water -just not a sipper - then set myself a task. Something that would take at least 15 minutes to do. Maybe an hour. No timers. Most times I forget I was ever "hungry" and move on to a new project.
  • Depends. Most Americans never had good bread -or at least don't recognize it. Bread should include only flour, salt, yeast and water. It should have a chewy crust and good tooth. After a couple of days it should start to get hard. Not mushy. Not moldy. Not mysteriously unchanged. All are signs of breads made with batter…
  • Organic vegetable protein powder, greens, almond milk, coconut oil and ice. Yum.
  • I went cold turkey. No sweets or sweeteners. Very limited fruit (I have a half cup of berries with my plain greek yogurt). And no starchy veggies or grains. My body does not see much difference between a milky way bar and a plate of pasta. It really took only about a week to lose the cravings. My doctor has me on potassium…
  • Clean, real food and a good probiotic. I like Primal Defense.
  • 15:9 is a natural cycle for me and always has been. I did spend about 6 years choking down breakfast under the influence of the "most important meal" mantra that all the "experts" expounded since the 90's. It brought me from chubby to fat. Well, not just that, but it helped.
  • Wake up, pee, strip, weigh. I aim for every day, but usually get in about 5 a week. Record the weight on Fridays. Weighing in is my time to reflect back on what I did right or wrong over the last few days, consider how I feel and determine how I want to proceed. I find that if I am not weighing it is because I am avoiding…
  • My D.O. recommended this cleanse - which she sold to me for $24. That is 5 cents more than the price on line. Where your nutritionist came up with $250 is confusing. I imagine that there were a great deal of additional purchases as well. The DO insisted that I maintain a clean diet and drink a lot of water during this, but…
  • I am 5'2". My lightest adult weight was 104. That was not my best. I looked sickly and you could count my ribs at a hundred paces. My best weight was about 123.
  • Yeah, when my mom was wasting away from not eating because the chemo made her sick, I kept thinking, "when does the alleged starvation mode kick in?"