

  • I get this too, but just thought it was because I have bad/weak hips. For me it feels like the actual joint connecting the bones is sore, from the pressure put on it from doing squats! I actually feel it most when I stand back up straight from the barbell row, but its definitely caused by the squats. I too thought it would…
  • Thanks ladies you are all so inspiring! I do try to eat to maintenance, if not above, and I try to get as much protein as possible. Did any of you lift before coming to SL or are these advances completely beginners gains? I had never lifted before this, and have never had this amount of strength or muscle before now! The…
  • My body weight is 160 and currently I'm at 115 for deadlifts. Although I lift at home and was stuck at 105 for ages till I could afford to get my new 45# plates, so now I've got them I'm on my way up again. I'm sure I will get there in good time. Every one else just seems to progress so fast :)
  • Had a look at the videos, they are good Mark Rippetoe's one especially. Think I just need to work on it and practice lots till I get the hang of it!
  • Hi I am also new to the group. My name is Fiona. My goals for July are: 1. do SL 3x a week. Consistency is key as they say. 2. increase my weights and work on form. 3. be ready to do a 10k with obstacles called Total Warrior by the end of the month (3rd Aug). 4. do hill sprints at least once a week. 5. no body weight…
  • Thanks, this is all very helpful advise. Bumblebums that was a very good description and makes a lot of sense, I think it must be my technique and that I'm not moving the bar vertically up and down, so its just throwing me off! I'll put the weight weight back down and focus on form. I had been putting the weight up very…