

  • I have the exact same problem as you! And weekends.... dont get me started on weekends! I'm going to a wedding bank holiday weekend in August and want to buy myself a nice dress to feel good in, I think if I could find something that wasn't ridiculously bad for but got rid of my sweet tooth that would suit me to the…
  • I'm starting today too! I will doing mine when I get home in about an hour. I'm hoping I get get through the 20 minutes before my partner gets home from work, I'd hate him to see me so sweaty in a corner. I'm looking forward to it though. I'm starting Level 1, I watched it the other day and was very impressed on that…
  • this is the 30 day shred I have seen a lot of people on here have fab results so I'm hoping if I keep to this and doing my other exercises too I will start to…
  • That does make sense :) How did you find it, have you seen a difference? I'm hoping if I work my socks off I will see a difference the first time I do it. I'm like you I think, I'm going to do it twice too. May have a little break in between though. xx
  • Haha me and you are on the same wave length..... ME too! At £5.00 delivered I had to do it no excuse! xx
  • I'd be very interested in these too. Can you give me a few more details? x
  • I have 80lbs that I want to loose, just started this week to properly motivate myself and work hard at this. I'd like to loose most but ideally all of this for this time next year. My reward will be clothes that flatter me and don't cover me up and a USA roadtrip! I also allow myself to have a little treat on a weekend,…
  • I'm from Leeds! Also looking for more friends on here to offer support and general chit chat. Please feel free to add me :) x
  • Welcome! I am in the same situation. I'm fairly new to my fitnesspal and looking for friends on here so please feel free to add me. (This goes to anyone else on the thread too) I've used fitness pal before but my new fitness plan starts today so I will be ensuring a daily check in and looking for motivation from you guys…