I drink regularly at university (socially) to an extreme point, where I would be drinking over 1000cal a night two to three times a week. Yes, it does hinder weight loss quite significantly but I made an effort to be particularly good with food when I knew I was going to be drinking on the day and the day after, and made…
Body dysmorphia. I'm the same, people tell me I'm too thin and I think I'm still "fat", and the thing is, it seems to get worse with the more weight I lose. The only way I've genuinely got over it was when I stopped caring about my weight - and then I ended up gaining a lot, until I realised when I compared to everyone…
People saying anytime is a good time to quit smoking clearly have never had a cigarette in their lives. Personally I put on a stone when I gave up first time around - and that was using nicotine gum. It was the hardest habit to kick, and it still isn't gone. I still smoke periodically, but I know now I'm not physically…
I haven't got any specific recipes but perhaps getting a slow cooker is a good idea - you can prepare all the ingredients for each day in advance to keep in the freezer or fridge, and then quickly throw them in every morning before you leave the house. My mother does this when she's busy, making stuff from chilli con carne…
The only way you can really estimate it is by calculating TDEE calories by a good calculator - live off that for a week to a month, and if they are too low and you lose it's possible you have a faster than average metabolism - but these always have to be taken with a pinch of salt, there are a lot of other factors which…
A vast increase in unwanted attention and sexual comments. This is the one thing that makes me wish I'd never lost weight.
Congratulations on losing 10lbs :) Now ask yourself why you have done that? Is it for yourself or for your boyfriend and future boyfriends? It should be the former, and therefore not matter what guys think of how you look. Anyone worth going out with won't care what your stomach looks like, and as your current boyfriend…
If you can't help yourself, get rid of them. You're setting yourself up nicely for failure or an obsession with numbers. I personally don't have a set because of the latter, and I weigh myself every 2 weeks to 3 months depending on when I get access to a set (at a relative's house, the doctor's etc).
That's a good question, and I think as long as you are a healthy weight it's purely a matter of opinion - for example, some of my friends say I look great, others say I've lost too much weight. I'm 5'8 and around 130 (I don't weigh myself often so this is a guesstimate based on my last weigh in and how much I theoretically…
If you can't exercise self restraint over chocolate, then you have to stop buying it - full stop. I'm like this with cakes. I've been a cake fiend the last few days if you look at my diary (I HAD TWO WEDNESDAY!), but I'm at maintenance atm so I can fit it in. But whilst I was losing I cut this out by removing the…
Every type of Lindt under the sun, from the standard milk chocolate you get for Easter bunnies to the Salted Caramel dark... If it's not Lindt, it's usually not worth the calories! Though I did come across this brand called Butlers in Ireland, the white berry one is amazing.
It depends which one you're on - I'm on the combined pill (Microgynon) and have been for around 7 years, it certainly filled me out in the hips and bust when I first went on it but other than that nothing abnormal. My weight has fluctuated a lot over those years but that is a result of lifestyle choices.
The one thing I'm going to tell you is do not focus on numbers. It's possible that you got into the position you're at because of obsession with numbers and quantity. I found that I had when I had problems several years ago that was the biggest battle - you need to start telling yourself the numbers don't matter and don't…
Eat some cake... I sure wish I struggled to meet my target every day! Anyway, seriously: Stop eating low fat foods for one, it's not helpful to your weight loss whatsoever. Eggs. Lean meat. Lentils. Nuts, nuts and more nuts. Cheese. Or some yoghurt if you fancy something sweet. Calorie dense, tasty and good protein…
I did so during exam period (needed food all day for studying), the post exam period (I was drinking a lot to celebrate then went away to Rome so ate my body weight in Pizza (and drank it again in wine) ) and the next one is coming when I head to Venice and Croatia in a few weeks. I think the main thing that throws people…
5'8, maintaining/losing very slowly at around 130-131 lbs atm. Not sure whether to go lower or a bit higher (people keep telling me I've got too skinny) but I'm just gonna see where the next few months take me without drastic changes.
I always go by looking at the packaging weight and guesstimating by the amount I use. I sometimes measure if it's hard to guess but it's such a long process if you're using a lot of ingredients. I've lost around 20lbs which works out at over 10% of my body mass this way. You don't have to use scales as long as you are…
5'8 and going for 130, may lose a little more but a lot of people are telling me I'm getting too skinny for my frame - 110 is far, far too low for you. I would go for maybe 150 if I was your height and just see how you feel then? Losing another 20lbs looks a lot for someone who is already at a healthy weight. I've lost…
I'm no expert in any of this but these are my general observations based upon my personal experience. I do stick to it. I've lost just short of 20lbs since January, though I haven't been strict with myself at times I've always stuck to it, slow progress is better than none at all. I do tend to eat below my allowance though…
I cut out them all for a whole month, I just stopped buying them and found I actually didn't miss them that much. It's not necessary though, just exercise restraint and don't eat sandwiches, pasta etc every day. As for protein - proper yoghurt (greek etc), cheese, eggs, some cereals, seeds, nuts - make sure you get a solid…
Do a lot of yoga and drink a lot of green tea. Worked for me, got rid of most of it within a month of incorporating both on a daily basis and I wasn't even trying to get rid of it... I did some research when I noticed a massive difference and both are supposed to have a positive effect on cellulite visibility. I have very…
I got would consume 1,500+ cals a night in alcohol when I went out drinking the last couple of terms, sometimes 2-3 times a week. I still lost almost 20lbs. It just comes off slower. If it makes you feel better, make a big effort to eat clean that day and/or exercise when you're planning on drinking, and then again the day…
I used to have one several years ago, and sometimes I struggle now with obsessing over my weight, calories, allowing myself to treat myself etc. Atm I'm dealing with the struggle that comes with maintenance - I know I need to eat more because I'm still losing weight but I'm afraid to because I might put it back on again. I…
£15-20 a week excluding alcohol. I can't believe how much some people spend, what do you buy?! Or is food just a lot more expensive in the US?
132lbs, UK size 10 so US 6 (I think?)
I would say don't change eating habits too quickly. If you go from all processed food straight to salads it's going to be really hard, and because of that you're more likely to become discouraged and give up. Try cutting portions down gradually (do this by starting off your weight loss goals on a low loss and transition to…
Your BMI is on the lower end, so you don't need to lose any weight - you just need to tone up. Eat more protein in your diet with lots of fruit and vegetables. Walk everywhere. Do yoga for at least 15 minutes a day. You can do it in the privacy of your own room for completely free and do it whenever you can fit it in. It's…
I don't have much time for lunch either, I tend to only be able to fit a bowl of cereal in at breakfast and then I have snacks throughout the late morning and afternoon before having a big dinner. I tend to eat granola for breakfast which has a fair amount of protein in for cereal, and found peanuts, pistachios and yoghurt…
You can do as much exercise as you want, but if you continue old eating habits you won't get very far. Your calorie and macro content is far more important than working out every single day, and at the weight you are currently I don't think you will be able to do that much to start off with - I weigh less than your goal…
I don't see why it would be a problem for you to ask your parents to buy you unproccessed healthier foods instead of buying an extra portion of unhealthy stuff which probably works out more expensive (it would here in the UK anyway). Go shopping with them and choose things you know you want and go from there and then there…