Hoppev Member


  • Hope the past few days have been ok for you and that you have kept motivated :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • If you are already controlling your calorie intake making sure that you are eating less then you are using. Exercise for about 30 mins 4-5 times a week will help you loose weight and also increase your fitness. Resistance training or doing weights not only helps build lean muscle and loose fat but also you will burn more…
    in Exercise Comment by Hoppev August 2013
  • My husband met me when I was slim and very physically active but now 7 years later and due to osteoarthritis in my hip from an injury when I was younger I have gained a lot of weight and my husband loves me either way but although it is good to know your cellar loves you as you are now you are doing this for you, to be…
  • I got bad sunburn on my face chest and arms this Sunday and have put on 3lbs, your body will hold onto more fluid to moisturize the skin as it is still a burn. Mine could also be down to that time of month coming up as I use to retain a stone of fluid when I was 17 and the doctors didn't want to give me water tablets as I…