pjthomas Member


  • Watch me trying Zumba and you would feel a little better about yourself. I also suffer from being rhythmically challenged. I do think that if you keep at it, it gets a bit better. That being said, I still look mental. Good luck.
  • I really like his books too....Ive found them really helpful. I also had a recipe book.........I've recently misplaced it, but I"m pretty sure it was the Idiots Guide to Low GI and it was great.
  • I've found the GI Diet by Rick Gallop to be pretty helpful. He has a little pocket book for eating out and grocery shopping that I take with me every day cause when you're looking at popcorn and trail mix and trying to decide what your better choice, it's friggin tough! Do a lot of reading, it helped me......
  • I saw a nutritionist a few months ago. After hearing my history she speculated that I may have PCOS. I've since seen my GP who's sending me for U/S and Bloods to confirm/rule out the diagnosis. Anyway, the nutritionist basically told me to eat Low GI, cut out sugar and anything white (sugar, flour.) Her recommendation for…
    in PCOS Comment by pjthomas January 2010
  • Me too..........pizza and wings. Delicious, but I feel really crappy this morning. Like a junk food hangover. Lets chalk it up to poor choices and start again today. I'll eat well today, take my dog for a super really long hour walk AND I'll do my pilates today. That will at least make me feel better. Don't be too hard on…
  • I would recommend seeing a nutritionist and taking whatever supplements she recommends for you. Plus, it's covered by your health spending plan at work!