

  • LOL everyone...<3 our pets:laugh:
  • I agree that negative comments or reactions are mostly due to jealousy or their own disappointments about lack of motivation. I've even gotten vibes from my own mother, whos a total gym nut but startting to get a little older. Its a little disheartning considering shes a serious influence on making fitness my future.
  • This list adds up to about 20 minutes and I love it for a quick kick in the @#$ especially on the treadmill..... METALLICA- FUEL JOAN JETT- BAD REPUTATION IGGY POP- LUST FOR LIFE BLUR- SONG 2 DROPKICK MURPHYS- I'M SHIPPING OFF TO BOSTON THE KINKS- DESTROYER I did my resistance band workout all last week and this week to my…
  • Filled frozen bananas- cut a banana in half and then cut again lengthwise. Spread 2 tsp of natural peanut butter or nutella on one side and top w/ other side, like a little sandwich. Wrap in foil and freeze...Yum! Crushed cashews and a drizzle of honey is awesome too, you'll use less than 2 tsp of the honey. I'm also…
  • I heard the skippy one on the news but was not aware of the hazelnut recall- not a skippy fan but love hazelnuts! Thanks!
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