
  • Yes, it is possible to lose between 8 and 10 lbs a month in a healthy way, for some people. It depends on body composition. If you have a low amount of body fat already, it will be more difficult to lose larger amounts of weight. If you stick to your nutrition plan, and make sure you are eating enough to fuel your body,…
  • I agree with some of the other posts here. It is much more attractive to be smart, confidant, and healthy. If you have a goal of losing 5-8kg, take the time to do it properly. Wherever you are along the road to your goal on the day of the wedding, it will look better than being at the goal, but not healthy.
  • This. If you are still having a tough time reaching your BMR, try adding more nuts to your diet. For example, pilinuts. A 100 gram serving is almost 700 calories. Split the 100 grams between your meals every day, and it will make it easier to eat it all. If you are trying to lose 5-8kg in a month, you still need to eat…
  • As was already mentioned, to lose weight, you need to have a caloric deficit. To gain muscle, you need a surplus. If you begin working out, you will probably build some muscle at first, but without enough calories, you wouldn't build a lot. There is a reason you hear of some people adding calories first before trying to…
  • The app sets the calories you need to eat in order to reach your goal of 2 lbs a week. It has already factored in the caloric deficit of 1000 calories a day to achieve that. It doesn't include calories you burn through working out. Any calories you burn from exercise should be added on to the calories you already need, so…
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