

  • Oh My it would be great to just be enough to realize that food is not the answer to everything. Depression goes a long way in weight gain then that depresses you even more. I have noticed a change already, I have almost giving up drinking anything but water right now and I was a sweet drinker all my born days. I do have a…
  • Honestly I don't want to take these pills, but for now at least till I see him in Aug, Maybe my stomach will be shrunk enough I can do off of them. I do admit that they give me energy that I haven't had in a very long time and the drive to do them. Im watching my blood pressure and anything out of the ordinary. I don't…
  • Thank you so much for the support from everyone, its truly a journey I admit, Im stuck between a rock and hard place because of my weight and my heart condition. but I didn't ask for this pill my its like if I dont take it I could have a stroke from my weight and if I do take it but the dr wanting me to take the medicine,…
  • well this being the first day on Phentermine 37.5 on per day, this is my status so far, I have got like a booster shot of energy that I haven't had in awhile I did things today that I have been putting off for weeks now but they are done!. I looked at my food profile and im not making the calorie counts for today lm 540…
  • This is by prescription from my cardiologist/ internal medicine Dr. I have medicals issues which he is aware of since he is my GP also . So hopeful it wont kill me and I can lose some weight and get off of them and keep it off... Im not aware of banning this medicine cause the FDA has not pulled it. This drug in not…
  • Thank you Rueben, I have been on supervision by the cardiologist he is my primary Dr also, cause he is a internal medicine doctor. I would not take them if the doctor seem to think that it was that or die, either way I have to try it. I don't feel nervous but I have been racing around the house like Im on speed. But I will…
  • Hi Mscopper, Thank you for the information I will be careful for sure, I had no choice it seems cause I have no will power and The doctor felt it be important for me to take the medicine, he is aware of my heart problems I just seen him when he prescribed it for me. I asked questions too and he still wanted me to try it. I…
  • how do you get that little scale on your profile for weight loss?
  • Hi Windstar57, Nice to meet you. I see you and I have a lot in common as far at the fibromyalgia I also have a bad need and foot now too. I had to laugh at my doctor when he told me that I have to lose weight, he told me I was going to or he would have to filet me him self ( he was kidding ) He and I laughed till the next…
  • Hi Sdesmond, In reply to the Mortons Neuroma, its a inflammed nerve between the 3rd and fourth toe. Many women get it from wearing high heels cause of the un-natural way you walk on your foot. But in my case it was caused by long limping from my knee I do not wear high heels by any means. But because of my toes being bent…
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