New today and started Phentermine 37.5 one a day

Hi Everyone! I just started this today and want to say hi to everyone, I also started today a new Diet pill phentermine 37.5 on my cardiologist suggestion due to being very over weight. Obese sounds like a cruel word to me, even though I know I need to lose the weight. He is a great doctor and I trust his advice, I see everyone has a big problem with dry mouth and keeping water almost strapped to there body cause its that bad. Of course I don't know that yet cause I only took the pill a hour ago and I'm sure I will find out soon lol. I need to find out of anyone has lost much weight in the first week without exercise due to other medical problems which I cant walk much cause of Knee problems, and a Morton Neuroma on my right foot!.. I would appreciate any and all suggestion on this subject.


  • windstar57
    windstar57 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi All! I too am a new member. I started this week and have had a few good days. The heat of the summer helps because I don't feel much like eating. I too have medical problems and cannot exercise consistently. I am trying to figure a work around for some of the things I know I should do, but can't at this moment. For knee problems, I am doing pushups against the wall, since getting on my knees kills me (I have fibromyalgia). I am also doing upper body workout with weighted ball and small weights to try to increase strength and hopefully will eventually build muscle. When I can, I go to the gym and workout by going on the bikes for a half hr and then the arc for a half hour. I find changing it up keeps me there longer so the boredom does not set in. I hate the word Obese. I honestly never thought I would hear it applied to me, since I always took care of myself and was very healthy until I got derailed about a yr and half ago. I have gained 35 lbs over this timeframe and have managed to get 9 lbs off on my own. Now it's time to buckle down and get moving forward.

    Hope some of my tips will help others. Hopefully others can help motivate me to continue my journey to health. I gained this weight one lb at a time. I know I have to lose it one lb at a time…hopefully during this journey I can learn from / help others as I move forward to become healthy again.
  • sdesmond2
    sdesmond2 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Debadoo57,

    Welcome to a very controversial subject: phentermine. I have been on phentermine for 6 weeks now. I have used this several years ago, under a doctor's care, as a jump start to make healthier habits. (I should mention that I gained the weight back over the course of years, sliding back into unhealthy habits.)

    I have lost 7 lbs. The loss is low because the first few weeks I did not pay attention to what and how much I was eating and I was drinking wine. (To be fair, I should not have started right before a vacation!) I have a knee injury. My husband and I invested in a used treadmill a month ago. I am happy to say, that phentermine has given me the energy to get up every morning and use it. (in spite of my poor food choices on my vacation, I did make good exercise choices, so I did not gain weight as by rights I should have.) I started with 15 minutes and I am now up to 40 minutes at 3.5 miles per hour. I love the low impact.

    Advice for the med: listen to your body! If you start to feel uncomfortable call your doctor. It does not work for everyone. Drink lots of water, lots of water! Eat and eat healthily. Even though you may not feel hungry at all, feed your body. Now is your chance to feed it what is good for it, instead of what it thinks is good for it. Mine tries to tell me that chocolate is really good for it all the time. :)

    I hope you are feeling well. It may take a few days to adjust to the effects of the pill, but again, maintain contact with your doctor about any symptoms you are having that don't feel "right". The pill is short term, training wheels, if you will. If it isn't for you, don't be disappointed. Please feel free to contact me. Support from others is the best strength we have in the battle to lose weight.

    P.S. What is Morton Neuroma?
  • Debadoo57
    Debadoo57 Posts: 11
    Hi Sdesmond, In reply to the Mortons Neuroma, its a inflammed nerve between the 3rd and fourth toe. Many women get it from wearing high heels cause of the un-natural way you walk on your foot. But in my case it was caused by long limping from my knee I do not wear high heels by any means. But because of my toes being bent in a down ward position for waiting to long to ck out my knee which I injured by falling and pile driving me knee with my all my weight.. I hope this explained it to you !.. :happy:
  • Debadoo57
    Debadoo57 Posts: 11
    Hi Windstar57,
    Nice to meet you. I see you and I have a lot in common as far at the fibromyalgia I also have a bad need and foot now too. I had to laugh at my doctor when he told me that I have to lose weight, he told me I was going to or he would have to filet me him self ( he was kidding ) He and I laughed till the next visit when he told me you have to do it this time no joking. You see I have a heart problem from genetic origin MPV. And its a must now!.. Well its been like 2 hours since I took the pill and wow what a burst of energy I have now and not feeing tired, but its only been 2 hours and in the florida heat I have been sweating already. I hope I have no bad side effects cause I do believe it will work for me even if its long enough to get my stomach smaller and I can eat healthier. I Pray with the support from everyone here that will happen for all of us. :happy:
  • Debadoo57
    Debadoo57 Posts: 11
    how do you get that little scale on your profile for weight loss?
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    how do you get that little scale on your profile for weight loss?

    It's called a "ticker." Here's a link.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 569 Member
    Hi Sdesmond, In reply to the Mortons Neuroma, its a inflammed nerve between the 3rd and fourth toe. Many women get it from wearing high heels cause of the un-natural way you walk on your foot. But in my case it was caused by long limping from my knee I do not wear high heels by any means. But because of my toes being bent in a down ward position for waiting to long to ck out my knee which I injured by falling and pile driving me knee with my all my weight.. I hope this explained it to you !.. :happy:

    I had one surgically removed when I was like 15. I have no idea what caused it, unless it was the gymnastics and high activity I was involved in.
  • godsrose7
    godsrose7 Posts: 2
    Hi I am Godsrose,:flowerforyou: I weight loss has been a battle for me my whole life, mostly it is my emotional coping tool. I started using it to feel loved and ok as a child, and then, just to feel good. I started Phentermine too, I take it twice a day only 15 mg. twice a day. I pill after breakfast and one after lunch. I also, am on a Topiramate 100 mg. that I also take twice a day. This drug is used with antidepressants and prevents weight gain associated with decreasing feelings of hunger and binge eating. Together I find they are working well. I have lost 17 lbs in 3 weeks. I am Morbidly Obese, which I think means you have many potential or leading illnesses to the morgue. Just kidding. my BMI is 50. which in my mind sounds like 500 lbs not 311 lbs. I have some health problems that really need me to lose 100 lbs, for Surgery. I have Osteoarthritis and Spinal Stenosis. There is a cyst on my lumbar spine and several disc herniated into the spinal cord area which is causing severe pain when standing or walking. So Exercises are nearly impossible. I just had surgery 3 days ago where they had removed some of the disc away from my spinal cord, but I really need a surgery called Spinal Fusion. This removes discs at more than one level and than a metal plate and screws put me back together. Problem is it won't hold me up if I am obese. I have lost weight before, its just so much harder when you are in pain, can't walk, and depression is growing. I can walk about 100 ft. but I use a walker or wheelchair. I am young for 40 something, too. I feel like 80 something. Well if any of you are faith in God, pray for my recovery and success. I love My-Fitness. I can see exactly what I am eating and how quickly some food calories can add up. Its great!!!
  • Debadoo, please be very careful taking this medication. It is very well known that this med can cause palpitations and an increase in your blood pressure. It has lots of other side effects also that are not healthy like restlessness and insomnia. I see your cardiologist prescribed it to you so therefore you must already have some issues with your heart being that you see a cardiologist. Not trying to be a downer just please listen to your body and if you have any concerns at all, stop this med immediately.
    BTW I have taken this med before... A doctor actually prescribed it to me when I really was not overweight and yes I lost weight with it. Went from 125 to 108. Now I have to constantly fight keeping weight off because after quitting taking the pills, the weight came back on and even more.
  • rueben44
    rueben44 Posts: 6
    Good luck with the pills they do work but I found if I exercised then I lost nothing but if I just dieted with them then I lost weight....weird. Also I think the key is to not deny your self but use them to help you use moderation. If you are not hungry still drink a low calorie shake like in a bottle. It will help your body adjust and you will not gain once you stop I didn't but I am going back on them next week. I have been off 3 weeks now with no gain but one pound lost even with no exercise.
  • Hi Everyone. I'm very new, just started this on Friday, 05 July 2013. My name is Skeeter and I'm about 46 pounds overweight. I'm a diabetic with chronic pancreatitis (and I've never drank alcohol, so the pancreatitis is not from drinking). I do a pretty good job of juggling two conflicting diets, but mostly I need is to exercise. I'm 5'1" and 74 years young. I'm also a square dancer of 46 years and still going. At present, I'm fighting a staph infection in both legs. Looks like I cooked my legs a bit too long for they are very red. I'm still able to walk and square dance though.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    ok so diet pills don't work and are dangerous
    the only way t o lose weight and keep it off is diet and exercise
    ditch the pills
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    I w as obese I lost 30 pounds........ got under 200 pounds, lost over 10 percent o f body weight, a nd 3 inches off waist
    with diet and exercise and my fitness pal
  • Debadoo57
    Debadoo57 Posts: 11
    Hi Mscopper,
    Thank you for the information I will be careful for sure, I had no choice it seems cause I have no will power and The doctor felt it be important for me to take the medicine, he is aware of my heart problems I just seen him when he prescribed it for me. I asked questions too and he still wanted me to try it. I know it can raise my blood pressure, headaches etc. If I feel that something is not right I will stop it and call him or the pharmacist. I have to try it or I will be worse off I pray that no serious side affects make me stop!. I worry about taking medicines cause of the sensitive nature to meds I usually find out with in a few days if I can continue it. I hope that I feel as good as I do at this moment , no hunger at this time but still going to eat something for lunch so I don't get deprived.
  • rueben44
    rueben44 Posts: 6
    Just work with your doctor and do what work for you and be at peace with that everyone is different. Oh and you will not feel the nervous feeling as much if you drink water like your supposed to and also drink the shakes I spoke of above.
  • Debadoo57
    Debadoo57 Posts: 11
    Thank you Rueben, I have been on supervision by the cardiologist he is my primary Dr also, cause he is a internal medicine doctor. I would not take them if the doctor seem to think that it was that or die, either way I have to try it. I don't feel nervous but I have been racing around the house like Im on speed. But I will be cautious. Everyone has a opinion I have read all the pros and cons and right now, I will continue to take the pill until I lose the wait or forced not to take them, Just wish me luck please!. Im only doing what my doctor asked me to do, and no he is not a quack!.. he kept my mother alive 10 yrs longer then 1 yr if she took good care of herself. he is up to date on all new things that are more safer then other diet pills, its his job to make me healthier.
  • Debadoo57
    Debadoo57 Posts: 11
    This is by prescription from my cardiologist/ internal medicine Dr. I have medicals issues which he is aware of since he is my GP also . So hopeful it wont kill me and I can lose some weight and get off of them and keep it off... Im not aware of banning this medicine cause the FDA has not pulled it. This drug in not PHEN_PHEN is Phen and another medication that stops seizures. So we shall find out in my case if it does any good or the FDA was wrong.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Dear Members,

    This is a new member who can learn a lot from our little community. Let's give her a warm welcome, and allow her doctor's to discuss her medication.

    2. No Hi-Jacking, Trolling, or Flame-baiting

    Please stay on-topic within a forum topic. Off-topic or derogatory remarks are disrespectful. Please either contribute politely and constructively to a topic, or move on without posting.

    This includes posts that encourage the drama in a topic to escalate, or posts intended to incite an uproar from the community.

    MFP Moderator
  • Debadoo57
    Debadoo57 Posts: 11
    well this being the first day on Phentermine 37.5 on per day, this is my status so far, I have got like a booster shot of energy that I haven't had in awhile I did things today that I have been putting off for weeks now but they are done!. I looked at my food profile and im not making the calorie counts for today lm 540 off and I cant eat I have forced myself today to eat after I took the pill and no problem with drinking water mouth and throat get too dry, I am eating healthy choice and fresh fruit for supper. I cant eat anymore tonight., lol. I don't want to starve but want to make sure I'm getting my nutrients. Im still short on carbs,sodium and fat. any suggestions.:happy:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    well this being the first day on Phentermine 37.5 on per day, this is my status so far, I have got like a booster shot of energy that I haven't had in awhile I did things today that I have been putting off for weeks now but they are done!. I looked at my food profile and im not making the calorie counts for today lm 540 off and I cant eat I have forced myself today to eat after I took the pill and no problem with drinking water mouth and throat get too dry, I am eating healthy choice and fresh fruit for supper. I cant eat anymore tonight., lol. I don't want to starve but want to make sure I'm getting my nutrients. Im still short on carbs,sodium and fat. any suggestions.:happy:

    Don't worry about sodium, but if you have some almonds, peanuts or any kind of nut really, have a serving. It will bump your calories 300 or so and give you good healthy fats. Or if you want the carbs and fat I would have peanut butter on crackers.

    Not sure if you planned out your eating yet, but once you get into the swing of things, get healthy crackers and peanut butter with nothing added. There is nothing so delish as Smuckers Organic PB. No salt, no sugar. Mmmmmm. Now I am hungry :laugh:

    The biggest problem with using medications (I am on anti-seizure meds that take my hunger away) is not eating enough. You must plan your day. I even set an alarm to remind me to eat so that I get all my nutrients.

    Good luck to you:flowerforyou: