

  • I'm back again too...I'm almost back up to my heaviest weight ever and didn't realize how much I've gained. Looking at all of my regular clothes that I normally just wear, sitting there waiting for me to squeeze back into is motivating me right now to get started back on a healthly path. A friend saw me in a store the…
  • Holy Crowe!!!!!!!! Super awesome!!!!!! What was your routine when you started? Your transformation is insane!! :) :)
  • My honest opinion is that surgery would be the only permanent option to get rid of the skin, non-permanent option is to wear compression clothing when exercising or under clothes. Great job on all of your hard work! If you live in Ontario Canada skin removal surgery can be covered by the provincial health insurance plan.
  • You could squat and raise up to almost your tippy toes while bringing your arms down and raising up with the movements, I had to do the same thing...same reason :) just keep good form and work your way up on the speed
  • Tonight was my night of eating way too much! I haven't logged for the day at all, came home and was starving and it was all over from there. I did workout this morning, but I didn't plan the rest of my day very well. I'm way way way over calories just by doing a quick calculation in my head. I came on searching for others…
  • Awesome, thanks for your response. Working out on your lunch break is a great idea, I just started and I'm looking for workouts/circuits to do in about 30mins (need my other 15 to change etc). I will look up some of your exercises online...not sure how to donkey kicks :) thanks for the information ...great job - you are so…
  • What kind of workouts are you doing on your lunch breaks ? You look fantastic!
  • I believe if you have skin chaffing and if it caused you to be depressed it is covered in Ontario.
  • What kind of workouts were you doing along with your healthy foods? You look fantastic!
  • To feel comfortable in my own skin. I'm about 150 pounds right now, but I feel so much better when I'm a bit lighter and more fit. I hate jiggling all over the place when I work out. I'm getting healthy all for me and to be able to just throw my clothes on and not have to think about how they look or how they will feel…
  • Way to go!!!!! That's an amazing accomplishment!
  • I wish I could help, but I can't. I have a close relative that was diagnosed with MS and all he can do is walk, log his food to keep his calories in check and avoid stress. I wish you much success and hope you can find some answers that will help :)
  • Jillian Michael's videos are great! Less than 1/2 hour and they work your way to harder levels as you progress....you can do them while babies sleep, before work / after work or dinner. Quick and you can do them at home too.
  • I just estimated my cals at 200...I'm on level 2 and doing most of the advanced moves.
  • I can totally relate!!!! I have the same issue....so I have to really limit my sugar or I'm addicted in no time!!! I wean off the sugar and then only have a small amount when I want....but not when I'm upset or I will be downing a bag of M&Ms without breathing. Good luck!!! You can do it!!!
  • Lunch time workouts is the only way I can keep up and gym on the weekends. You have to bring some extra clothes to change in to after but it's worth it! Don't have to worry about working out when I get home. It's soooo worth it!
  • Fantastic job!!!! I can't wait to get where you are. I'm getting there slowly but surely. I have had a few bad days here and there but working out is becoming routine. Thank you for the inspiration!!!!!!' :)
  • I can't wait for NMTZ's, I can get through the other DVDs on my lunch hour, but on the weekends I can workout longer and would love more strength training ...so the NMTZ'S will work nicely. I have a few gals working out with me at lunch and I had to show your before and afters....I said ...if we work hard we could look…
  • Thank you for your post!!!! You are absolutely inspiring and make me want t keep going with Jillian's DVDs....going to order No More Trouble zones....I have already been doing the other two. I need to just keep going like you did!!! Thank you!!!!
  • Wow!!!! You look amazing!!!!! I just go in to the "140's"....and want to keep going... I have the exact same shape!!! I can't get over how much you have shrunk and muscle definition you have now. What is your exercise routine? Thanks!!
  • Amazing!!! You are sooo inspiring!!! You have done what I'm trying to do!!!! Currently I'm about 148...size 8/10 (depending on the style) want to continue to get fit and firm!!! I'm working out approx. 5 days/week. Did you do at home videos? I see that your ticker shows turbo fire. What kind of fitness routine did you…
  • Nice job!!! I'm have a very similar body shape/size...and am looking for the same type of results with some hard work !!! :)
  • Big time!!! I'm trying to lay off the sugar...and my body is going crazy (again...I've done this before)!!!!! I'm with ya, sometimes I annoy myself!!!! Good luck....keep going...it's soooo worth it in the long run!!!'
  • Awesome job!!!! You look fantastic!!!!!
  • Great work!!! I know a few people who are addicted and are tying to kick the habit. One day and one decision at a time....you can do it!!
  • The morning workout is a great suggestion!!!!! I can't wait for when it gets easier when I can do the DVD workout moves with coordination! Thanks again for the replies!!!!!
  • Do you workout from home or the gym? I find I can focus more when I'm at the gym to get a great workout but it's easier to workout a home because I don't have to "pack up" the kids/arrange childcare.
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