

  • What do you eat for breakfast? I've been eating cereal and I'm getting tired of it, I need some new ideas. I don't have a lot of time in the morning to fix something, so I need something easy that I can throw together.
    in breakfast Comment by mrshamm April 2008
  • Yesterday I did 150 crunches 50 lunges per leg 50 push ups I can't do regular push ups yet my arms are to weak but its something I'm going to work at.
  • Has anyone tried weight watcher? I've been thinking of trying it, I need something to help me eat right. I'm not doing to good on my own.
  • I like to join, i know that I can't do more then 10 push ups but it will be something to work at. I'll measure tonight and post tomorrow my measurement.
  • Welcome! It always helps when you have people going through the same thing as you supporting you. Good luck.
  • Welcome to the board I 'm sure you'll the suppport and encouragement from here. Good luck with your weight loss.
  • I having problems. During the day I busy with two toddler so I don't eat much just breakfast and lunch no snacks. At about three when one goes home I want to eat and eat. I need up snacking on just about everything I can find until dinner then I eat dinner with my family. How can I stop the evening snacking?
  • Congrat that amazing! Good luck on getting to a size 12!
  • I need some help, I've been working out for two days and my arms are killing me. I have a toddler and watch another toddler in my house so I have to lift them up sometimes. Is there anything I can do to help the pain, I can barely lift my son up. TIA!
    in Arm hurt Comment by mrshamm April 2008
  • Welcome to the board I know how you feel. I'm about 20 over weight and would love to loose it before we try for another one. I also have a husband that is really fit, he goes to the gym about five days of the week. Good luck with the weight loss!
    in Hello Comment by mrshamm April 2008
  • Congrat, I can't wait to fit in my pre pregnancy pants. Keep up the good work
  • Thats so great good luck with the next five pound!
  • Wow that great you should really be proud of yourself!
  • Congrat! 25 pounds it alot to loose.
  • I'm looking for some healthy dinner ideas, I'm not very creative when it comes to making dinner, if I'm going to stick to it I need some new ideas. TIA!
  • How many calories are you allowed a day? Mine seems really high I did this program before and I don't remeber having that many calories. It has me at 1900 and I haven't started working out. what do you think should I go back and make sure I didn't put something in wrong or is this ok?
  • Hi, my name is Stephanie and I need some help. I need someone to team up with to help me loose weight maybe if i had someone to do it with I would stick to it. I'm wanting to loose about 15 to 20 pounds. So if anyone is interested let me know.
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