ratindle Member


  • I'd love to join this challenge! My weight this morning was 160.5 pounds. I'd love to lose 30 pounds by October for my brother in law's wedding but happy with short term goals. Height 5'5" CW 160.5 GW 150.5
  • I keep my diary open as well, as I have friends that view mine for motivation. I've been trying to watch my fats and keep my protein at 1/2 as many grams as my body weight or more. Which is not that easy to do for me. I just started but finding meal ideas my family will eat and meet these criteria is the main struggle.…
  • So, I read through the information and went to the fat2fit website. Based on my body fat percentage that was calculated, my measurements and that I exercise 5 days minimal a week, I should consume 1906-2148 calories a day? Did this actually work for you? I am a busy stay at home mom, there are some days that I don't reach…
  • I am 5`5" and as of this morning was 126.8#. I use my 5 & 10# dumbells at home for arm circuits but as I am a stay at home mom, getting to the gym only happens one day a week. I do make the most of it when I am there and use the following day as a rest day. I am less frustrated now that I finally broke the weight loss…