

  • WOW! You look fabulous! Well Done! :happy:
  • Yep, this happened to me so I added some more salt to my diet and it went away. I had my BP checked as I thought my BP must've dropped lower but in my case it was not enough salt as Bp numbers were the same.
  • I would add a bit more salt to your diet , pretty sure that will fix it. If that doesn't stop it then go and see your doctor as it would probably have something to do with your blood pressure.
  • The taste in your mouth doesn't last, it goes away after a couple of weeks. I've been back on Atkins for a week and I've got that awful taste again mine is salty and its horrible. Dr Atkins didn't die from a heart attack. Atkins is the only diet and trust me I've tried 100's that let me maintain a normal weight for years…