

  • Well done! I've just began the c2k5 programme and I'm really looking forward to my first run. Bring it on!
  • I agree about the time zones though. I live in the UK and so we are 5 hours ahead of the East Cost USA and even further ahead for other places. A group weigh in here at 8.00am would be 3.00am in New York or Washington for example.
  • I might be interested but what is oovoo?
  • I must confess, I'm not a great fan but my mother boils it with chicken or beef stock and uses it as a rice substitute.
  • What a wonderful success story and you look great - keep up the good work!
  • Hi, I live in London and have sent a friend request.
  • How about walking. I know that it doesn't give you great cardio boots but it will get you fit and help you lose weight at the same time. I'm going to have a major operation in a few weeks and won't be able to do strenuous exercise or lift things for about 8-12 weeks. However, i've been told that i can walk as much as I…
  • Hi, You've come to the right place. I've been on the site for a few weeks now and everyone has been very supportive. Feel free to add me as a friend and we'll encourage each other.
  • Welcome on board!
    in hey Comment by lagosgal February 2011
  • It took me years to realize this and lots of yo-yo weight loss. Now I know that i have to eat the calories to lose the weight and for it to stay off in the long run. btw I love your hair!
  • Hi, I'm having and operation in 3 week and won't be able to exercise for a while afterwords. I'm really dreading it. I hope you are feeling much better and can get back to exercising soon. Welcome to MFP!
  • I have the wii fit plus and I use it occasionally. I prefer the EA Sports Active. I've used 1 but am currently using 2. I think the flow is better and you get really complete workout sessions. I think the Wii fit step is great when I want to exercise and watch TV but you can ramp up the step game by using a step accessory.…
  • Hi, You've come to the right place. You'll get lots of support towards your weight loss and it's great to see what other people are doing and how they're coping. I've got the phone app too! Add me as a friend if you want...
    in Newbie Comment by lagosgal February 2011
  • You can do it!!! And this is a good place to start. Add me as a friend if you want and we can motivate each other.
  • Thanks Mary!