

  • Yes! You are building muscle as you lose weight...sometimes they offset each other. Keep going!! well done!
  • Good for you! I too see-sawed and am back on track...I love MFP!!!
  • Terrific!!!!! I'm so proud of you! Getting to a healthier weight can be a challenge, but hitting those milestones can be so motivating! Well done! :happy:
  • Welcome! I've been on MFP for about a year. During that time I've not been consistent with logging in what I eat. When I don't do it, I gain weight. When I do log, I lose weight because it helps keep me accountable! I'm not on a "diet". I still eat WHAT I love, when I want to eat it (or crave it). However, by logging what…
  • Welcome Leah! MFP is great for motivation and self-accountability. I've used it for about a year and have been very successful in weight loss. I've also found that when I don't log in for a while, I'll gain weight because I'm not seeing the impact of what I'm eating. (Who knew that a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is…
  • I've used MFP off and on for about a year. Every "off" period usually results in weight gain. I've found that by logging in what I eat, I hold myself accountable. I'm not on a "diet"...I'm on a path of realizing that I really don't need to eat that big bowl of icecream right before bed. But...if I do eat it, and I'm still…
  • My 2 cents worth is that it depends on what you are focusing on. Both the Elliptical and Walking will get your heart rate up. However, in my experience (I've lost 10 lbs in the 3 wks and reduced inches in my hips, thighs and waist), the elliptical allows me to keep my heart rate up while using the arms for power. Walking…
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