newcltkathy Member


  • I haven't found any really good substitutes for cheese and ice cream. It's really hard to replicate them. There are some really good vegan books out there. Anything book by Isa Chandra Moskowitz is always a safe bet. I've never had a bad recipe from her. She also has a website,
  • I am also the woman in the free weights section of the gym. My Y is dominated by men in that section. They make it pretty intimidating to women. Sometimes the guys are nice and other times I see scowls on faces when I lift in "their" section, I turn up my music and just ignore them. Men need to ease up on being territorial…
  • Just because you lose weight on the Paleo diet does not make it safe for healthy individuals. The claims make by the author of the Paleo Diet are not supported by solid research. The Paleo Diet promotes a high protein, low carbohydrate intake ratio, which puts stress on the body. High protein, low carbohydrate diets have…
  • Just wanted to remind everyone that it is a MYTH that vegetable proteins are incomplete. Vegetable proteins do not have to be matched with other things to make them complete. Modern researchers know that it is virtually impossible to design a calorie-sufficient diet based on unprocessed whole natural plant foods that is…
  • I went vegan 2 years ago due to a health scare. The best advice I received was from a nutritionist. He pointed out that many vegans/vegetarians load up on carbs from pasta/bread and eat way too much fat from dairy sources. The balance is finding enough protein from beans, tempeh, tofu and also getting enough fresh…
  • The Paleo diet is complete nonsense, folks. It isn't based on solid science. Do your research before you embark on this nutritional nightmare of a diet. It is a myth that our hunter-gather ancestors ate a primarily meat based diet. They ate leaves, fruits, wood, and bark—a diet similar to modern day chimpanzees. Meat was…