Meg5065 Member


  • I am much healthier and much happier. Sobriety is wonderful, and not carrying that lost weight makes for much easier days, and better sleep, for sure. --Meg
  • One other piece of my success so far--I did buy o food scale, and I do weigh and measure everything whenever I am eating at home. Meg
  • Hair color is now mine; I quit fighting being a white-haired old lady & decided to embrace it! Meg
  • Thanks,Steph. I've decided MFP is just part of my life and I now automatically log everything. It helps keep me aware of what I put in my mouth☺️
  • NASA didn't demote Pluto, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) did. It was after they found multiple small bodies that are in the same approximate size range in the far reaches of the Solar System. So it is officially a dwarf planet now -- one of many such in the Kuiper Belt. New Horizons is going to be sending the…
  • Lost the rest of my post. Oh well. What about you, arathena?
  • I am interested. Have almost 18 months sober. The first 2 months Without alcohol I lost 10 lbs, then gained it all back over the next year. After me anniversary in March I decided it was time to widen my focus to the rest of my health (now that I am less likely to die of alcoholism
  • Just sent a request to join at the link you posted
  • Haven't seen this one. My Mom used to call it "banana cereal", though I added the seeds & substituted almond milk for whole milk: 1 medium banana (114g), sliced into the bowl Sprinkle with a tablespoon of chia seeds (12 g) Add 1/2 c unsweetend almond milk and enjoy with Coffee & almond milk Quite lovely, only 190 Cal.
  • In Thailand, my Dad told me (he was born there), when serving a very spicy dish, the host will put sliced bananas on the table. A banana slice cools the tongue, and you can then keep eating the hot chili dish. Water does NOT help. Rice does.
  • I, on the other hand, could NOT lose weight till I stopped drinking--the extra calories from the wine, plus the extra calories from not caring about my weight after I'd had a glass of wine, meant that I steadily put ON weight even when trying to lose. For me, freedom from alcohol has had many benefits already (only 6 weeks…
    in Alcohol? Comment by Meg5065 April 2014
  • I gave up alcohol and adopted an almost-vegan diet. I feel great & have lost 8 lbs! (I am watching calories, too, but that's WAY easier without the wine.... :-)
  • I like to roast it--halved & seeded, cut side down, roast at 375 deg F till soft. Add applesauce & cinnamon in the scooped-out section, if desired. I also use it in a roasted winter vegetable medley--cubed squash, quartered onions, halved brussels sprouts, parsnips, carrots, beets, turnips--etc. Cut up the vegetables and…
  • Many thanks! I'm still sober, and hoping to stay that way. Meg
  • Mari-- That sounds lie a wonderful plan to get through the holiday. One idea--plan to keep your own glass full with something nice--sparkling pear juice or a spritzer with club soda & cranberry juice--so you don't feel like your own glass is empty. Put the wine bottles on the table, and let the guests fill their own…
  • My favorite source is Kiki the Greek Vegan: Traditional Greek Lenten fare, really good!
  • My biggest help at the moment is my food log. I really want to lose weight, and the calories in our vino really add up fast. I think, "well, today I have eaten all my calories, so today I can't have any wine." I am feeling enough better not drinking that I am hoping to actually stay alcohol free, but thinking in terms of…
    in Struggling Comment by Meg5065 March 2014
  • Hi, all, I haven't posted to the group before, but I did decide to give up alcohol for Lent. I actually stopped drinking wine the week before lent started after reading an awesome book: How to Quit Drinking Easily, by Jason Vale. After I finished the book I didn't really want a drink at all for a whole week. I really need…
    in Struggling Comment by Meg5065 March 2014
  • I'm in. Othodox Easter & Western Easter are on the same day this year, so we can do this together.
  • I am old-calendar Greek Orthodox, and Great Lent is a very serious fast for us--no meat, fish, eggs or dairy from March 1 ("Clean Monday") till Easter ("Pascha"'). It's quite a challenge--mostly a Vegan diet, though shellfish are allowed. I've been doing it (more or less) for years--I always found it an interesting cooking…