I use Iron citrate. I just can't do the sulfate or the slow FE and I don't absorb iron well so I've had a few infusions. I always take a calcium/magnesium supplement, it works well for muscle aches and pains that are common for low iron and keeps things moving.
Wow really? Guilt trip? The pictures are reality for many animals out there and it's because of people who don't wish to be "Guilt tripped" that the industry will never change. Many of us who speak up against animal cruelty aren't vegan or even vegetarian but people should make more conscious and ethical choices of where…
I adore chia seeds and hemp seeds as well. I make puddings with them, use them in smoothies. My favorite way to consume them is by putting them in liquid and drinking them. They swell and sort of give the effect of a bubble tea. Here in Portland they are popular in our overabundance of health food stores and you can find…
I go after work. I work 10 am-7pm and it takes me 15 min to get to the gym and I generally stay for an hour or so. Lately I've been lazy and the way my clothes look is proof.. to tight:(