

  • I just finished stage 3 and I'm down from a 14 to a 10 pant size, 12 % body fat, 13.5 inches and... 2.5 pounds. I did only the rules for the first 2 stages and then I started dragon boating. Keep with the rules. You'll do fine. Watch you measurements and not the scale. I have only JUST started losing weight. Trust the…
  • Wow, I'm sorry to hear about you being bitten! What a horrible thing to experience! I had a friend who got bit by a rottweiler when we were kids. She was coming down the slide and when she got to the bottom he just lunged at her. As per the mace/rocks, I think that's mace is a bit excessive, but I also think that on the…
  • I'm 5'7.5 and I've got a good 50 lbs to lose! I'm only down 3, but any progress is good progress! I'm going to start taking weekly pictures.
  • Like many above me, I'd have to be 100% sure. My best friends' husband (ex now) was trying to cheat on her for their ENTIRE relationship. She knew what he was like but was in denial. I didn't say anything because it's exactly who he was. The only difference cheating makes now is what box to select on the divorce papers.…
  • Absolutely! We will hold each other accountable!
  • Guelph, Ontario here!